There are several awards open to individuals connected to the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education. Select an award name to view specific details and requirements:
The AGHE award was established in 1980 to recognize those individuals that have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of gerontology as a field of study in institutions of higher education. In 1985, AGHE's Executive Committee renamed the AGHE award the Clark Tibbitts Award to recognize the major role that Tibbitts played in establishing and nurturing the field of gerontological education.
Hiram J. Friedsam was a professor, co-founder, and director of the Center for Studies in Aging and Dean of the School of Community Service at the University of North Texas. He was an outstanding teacher, researcher, colleague, and mentor to students, faculty, and administrators, and a past-president of AGHE. The purpose of this award is to recognize those who emulate Dr. Friedsam's excellence in mentorship.
The Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes persons whose teaching stands out as exemplary, innovative, of impact, or any combination thereof.
The AGHE Rising Star Early Career Faculty Award recognizes new faculty whose teaching and/or leadership stands out as impactful and innovative.
The Mildred M. Seltzer Distinguished Service Honor is presented annually by AGHE to honor colleagues who are near retirement or recently retired.
AGHE invites you to nominate one of these individuals so that he/she might be formally honored for contributions to gerontology and/or geriatrics education at your institution.
The Administrative Leadership Honor honors administrators on AGHE member campuses who have made exceptional efforts in support of gerontology and/or geriatrics education.
The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in scholarship in academic gerontology.
The Student Leadership Award recognizes a student whose leadership has advanced the goals and mission of the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) as well as the respective goals of his/her AGHE-affiliated institution.
The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in scholarly work by a student at an AGHE member institution or has selected AGHE as a primary or secondary section, and who presents his or her work at the GSA Annual Meeting. If the quality of submissions meets the following guidelines, one award will be granted annually.
The James McKenney Student Travel Award provides travel funds for students to attend the AGHE programing at the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting.