Nationwide, reliance on part-time and/or adjunct faculty to teach gerontology and/or geriatrics courses is very high. Without the efforts and dedication of these individuals, often at extremely low compensation, gerontology and geriatrics programs might not be able to deliver a full curriculum. Accordingly, AGHE invites you to nominate one of these individuals so that he/she might be formally honored for contributions to gerontology and/or geriatrics education at your institution.

Recipient(s) receive a personalized certificate at the AGHE Breakfast at the GSA Annual Meeting.

*This is an honor rather than a competitive award. Those nominated are not required to attend the GSA Annual Meeting.

Submission Period: Nominations Accepted Now Through July 29 Via This Online Form

Eligibility Criteria:

Each institution may nominate one part-time/adjunct faculty member per year.

  • Nominees should demonstrate high quality teaching as documented by peer and/or student evaluations.
  • Nominees should also demonstrate a long-term commitment (at least five years) to gerontology and/or geriatrics education both in the classroom and beyond.
  • Full-time faculty are not eligible to receive this award even if their gerontology and/or geriatrics assignments are part-time.
  • Affiliated with an AGHE institution or GSA member with AGHE designated as a primary or secondary section.

Required Nomination Packet Materials:

A single nomination letter signed by at least 3 supporters that should include the following:

  • Courses taught by nominee
  • How long the nominee has taught at your institution
  • Any other forms of service to the department/program (excluding teaching)
  • What makes this person deserving of this honor?
  • A current Curriculum Vitae or Resume with information relevant to the award highlighted.

Nature of Award

The recipient receives a framed certificate and is recognized during the AGHE Recognition and Networking Event at the GSA Annual Meeting.

Previous Awardees