Stories resulting from the Journalists in Aging Fellows Program
- The gerontechnologist will see you now (By Margit Weisgal, The Baltimore Sun, February 19, 2025)
- Stricter background checks for caregivers finds major support at the Roundhouse (By Leah Romero, Source NM, February 20, 2025)
- Men die younger than women. Is it time for a focus on men's health? (By Ashley Milne-Tyte, NPR, February 19, 2025)
- Serving seniors: AAA director and Raton Mayor Segotta talks aging in NM (By Leah Romero, Source NM, February 12, 2025)
- The loneliness of remote work: Older adults most affected by the loss of social networks (By Donna Alvarado, Bay City News, January 18, 2025)
- Trump’s immigration plans could imperil long-term care workforce (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, January 9, 2024)
- Her pension wasn’t enough to cover Toronto rent. Then she found a lifeline in a different kind of housing (By Moira Welsh, Toronto Star, December 24, 2024)
- Early onset dementia is making the caregiving crisis worse (By Ellen Eldridge, Georgia Public Broadcasting, December 17, 2024)
- Hamptons hospital adapts fall-prevention classes for aging Spanish-speaking population (By Ashley Milne-Tyte, The World, December 10, 2024)
- ‘Clash of the titans’: Disputes between Medicare Advantage plans and health care providers can leave older adults stuck in the middle (By Grace Vitaglione, NC Health News, December 9, 2024)
- Medicare Advantage is popular with NC seniors, but the program has come under increased scrutiny. (By Grace Vitaglione, NC Health News, December 6, 2024)
- Nursing home staffing rule in limbo as Trump 2.0 approaches (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, December 4, 2024)
- Vinculan la diabetes como factor de riesgo para demencia (Diabetes linked as a risk factor for dementia) (By Aiola Virella, Metro Pueto Rico, November 25, 2024, Spanish language)
- ‘Elderly’ or ‘older’? Advocates and a dictionary address language on aging. (By Clara Germani, The Christian Science Monitor, November 15, 2024)
- Caregiver Care: How To Manage Feelings Of Guilt, Stress (By Jatika Hudson, The Orlando Times, October 1, 2024)
- Rev. Sharpton, Al B. Sure! partner to reverse Medicare coverage denial for essential post transplant test (By Deborah Bailey, AFRO American Newspapers, September 30, 2024)
- Eli Lilly lowers price on popular obesity medication (By Deborah Bailey, AFRO American Newspapers, September 10, 2024)
- 9 hours of training, 24-hour shifts: Assisted living workers ‘in crisis’ (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 22, 2024)
- Biden says he’s ‘too old to stay as president.’ It shows the pull of ageism. (By Clara Germani, The Christian Science Monitor, August 20, 2024)
- Age tech is exploding. The ‘modern grandma’ market wants more than health aids. (By Kristen Senz, The Christian Science Monitor, August 15, 2024)
- In four years, one assisted living facility contacted police 151 times (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 2, 2024)
- In 691 hours working in an assisted living facility, I saw neglect, abuse and love (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 25, 2024)
- People in assisted living are getting sicker. Wisconsin isn't ready. (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 25, 2024)
- Md. Health Department using targeted outreach to tackle pre-diabetes this summer (By Deborah Bailey, AFRO American Newspapers, July 15, 2024)
- “They even arrive with human scabies”: cases of elderly people abandoned in hospitals multiply (By Marga Parés Arroyo, El Nuevo Dia, June 22, 2024)
Multifactorial reasons behind the abandonment of elderly in the country’s hospitals (By Marga Parés Arroyo, El Nuevo Dia, June 19, 2024)
‘Plans don’t cover’: elderly abandonment exacerbates hospitals’ already weakened finances (By Marga Parés Arroyo, El Nuevo Dia, June 19, 2024)
The difficult task of a caregiver, when leaving an older adult in a hospital is not an option (By Marga Parés Arroyo, El Nuevo Dia, June 17, 2024)
It's Uncomfortable, But Talking About End-Of-Life Care Is Worth It (By Barbara Mantel, Shawangunk Journal, June 20, 2024)
Después de los 50 años, los migrantes también se enfrentan al muro de la brecha digital (After Age 50, Migrants Also Face the Wall of the Digital Gap) (By Clavel Rangel, El Tiempo Latino, May 29, 2024, Spanish language)
How Adult Day Care Centers Create an Environment for Social Connection for Older Hmong Adults (By Macy Yang, Hmong Daily News, May 28, 2024)
Washington View Community brings health equity out of the doctor’s office and into the community (By Deborah Bailey, AFRO American Newspapers, May 25, 2024)
Over the Threshold: Creating Solutions (By Katie Scarlett Brandt, Chicago Health/Caregiving Magazine, May 19, 2024)
Cualquier limitación que el trabajador latino tenga en habilidades tecnológicas va a impactar la competitividad económica de los EEUU (Any limitation that Latino workers have in technological skills will impact the economic competitiveness of the United States) (By Clavel Rangel, El Tiempo Latino, May 9, 2024, Spanish language)
La ruta de las trabajadoras hoteleras de Las Vegas por domar el uso de la tecnología (The Journey of Hotel Workers in Las Vegas to Tame the Use of Technology) (By Clavel Rangel, El Tiempo Latino, May 8, 2024, Spanish language)
Language Barriers Limit Healthy Aging For South Asian Seniors (By Meera Kymal, India Currents, April 30, 2024)
Over the Threshold: Street Medicine (By Katie Scarlett Brandt, Chicago Health/Caregiving Magazine, April 28, 2024)
How to Help Your Loved One Navigate the Costs of Dementia Care (By Kate Ashford, NerdWallet, April 25, 2024)
Research finds older adults with creative outlets may age better (By Kristen Senz, The Herald-Times, April 19, 2024)
‘Leaving A Legacy Like A Dewdrop On A Lotus Leaf’ – Asian Indians Redefine Aging In America (By Meera Kymal, India Currents, April 18, 2024)
Over the Threshold: Women and Homelessness (By Katie Scarlett Brandt, Chicago Health/Caregiving Magazine, April 13, 2024)
Asian Indian Elders Yearn For ”Apnapan’ (Belonging) As They Age In America (By Meera Kymal, India Currents, April 12, 2024)
Over the Threshold: America’s Unhoused Older Adults (By Katie Scarlett Brandt, Chicago Health Magazine/Caregiving Magazine, April 4, 2024)
Biden and members of Congress work to reduce cost of diabetes medication for all (By Deborah Bailey, AFRO American Newspapers, April 2, 2024)
How Does Long COVID Affect Your Retirement Planning? (By Kate Ashford, NerdWallet, April 1, 2024)
California Seeks to Address the Needs of the LGBTQIA+ Community as They Age (By Christina Nooney, KALW Public Radio, March 26, 2024)
Study finds treating self-neglect among older adults can prevent later abuse (By Rose Lundy, The Maine Monitor, March 24, 2024)
Ageism Unveiled: Embracing Authentic Beauty in the Era of Anti-Aging (By Anjana Rajbhandary, NepYork, March 18, 2024)
Does Medicare Cover Long COVID? (By Kate Ashford, NerdWallet, March 14, 2024)
As Biden faces questions about his age, researchers weigh in on working in your 80s (By Annie Nova, CNBC, March 10, 2024)
Finding in-patient psychiatric care is especially hard for older adults (By Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin, March 6, 2024)
Survey: 75% of Nepalis Over 50 in the USA Attribute Their Happiness to Social Connections (By Anjana Rajbhandary, NepYork, February 17, 2024)
30 Breaths A Day, 5 Days A Week – Resistance Training Helps Aging Adults Breathe Better (By Meera Kymal, India Currents, February 9, 2024)
What to Do if Your Hospital Drops Your Medicare Advantage Plan (By Kate Ashford, NerdWallet, February 2, 2024)
Envejecer en EEUU y sobrevivir a la automatización laboral: en la educación está la clave (Aging in the United States and Surviving Labor Automation: Education Holds the Key) (By Clavel Rangel, El Tiempo Latino, January 30, 2023, Spanish language)
Studies show that hearing loss increases a person’s risk of falling. Why might that be — and what can you do about it? (By Katie Scarlett Brandt, Chicago Health Magazine/Caregiving Magazine, January 30, 2024)
Aging Matters: Vaccine debate continues among seniors (By Ronnie Lovler, Main Street Daily News, January 27, 2024)
Where Are My Mother’s Teeth? Language Barriers Limit Seniors’ Access To Healthcare (By Meera Kymal, India Currents, January 27, 2024)
What can Willard Harris's life tell us about how to age well? (By Christina Nooney, KALW Public Radio, January 22, 2024)
Planning ahead for Alzheimer's costs in Florida is key (By Verónica Zaragovia, WLRN Public Radio, January 5, 2024)
Wisconsin is the top state for ‘memory cafes.’ Can the model expand nationwide? (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 2, 2024)
Where to find memory cafes, choirs, and other dementia-friendly events in Wisconsin (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 2, 2024)
- “El peligro de las caídas”: conoce cómo habilitar un hogar seguro para adultos mayores ("The danger of falling": learn how to set up a safe home for older adults) (By Marga Parés Arroyo, El Nuevo Dia, December 29, 2023, Spanish language)
Changing the Narratives of Growing Old in the Hmong Culture (By Macy Yang, Hmong Daily News, December 26, 2023)
Capitol Hill housing for older LGBTQ+ adults provides support, safety (By Michelle Baruchman, The Seattle Times, December 13, 2023)
Maine nursing homes lead nation in meeting the Biden administration’s proposed staffing standards, but challenges loom (By Rose Lundy, The Maine Monitor, December 10, 2023)
Is Gray The New Green? How Retirees Are Taking Environmental Action (By John Wasik, Forbes, December 10, 2023)
How ‘Green’ Active Aging Makes For A Longer And Healthier Retirement (By John Wasik, Forbes, December 9, 2023)
Want To Live Longer? Refine Retirement With “Active Green Aging” (By John Wasik, Forbes, December 8, 2023)
Protecting Chinatown’s Older Adults from Climate Disasters Requires More Funding, Nonprofits Say (By Ambika Kandasamy, San Francisco Public Press, December 8, 2023)
For Chinatown’s Older Residents in SROs, Climate Disasters Pose Greater Risks (By Ambika Kandasamy, San Francisco Public Press, December 8, 2023)
Milwaukee chorus looks to reduce stigma about memory loss through music (By Cleo Krejci, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, December 7, 2023)
Brightline Defense Takes on San Francisco’s Air Pollution and Environmental Justice Concerns: Q&A With Executive Director Eddie Ahn (By Ambika Kandasamy, San Francisco Public Press, December 6, 2023)
Wisconsin's 'Happy Days cohort' is helping researchers understand aging (By David Wahlberg, Wisconsin State Journal, November 27, 2023)
Letter from Tampa: Aging gets a makeover at this gerontology summit (By Clara Germani, The Christian Science Monitor, November 17, 2023)
Black-owned nursing homes continue little-known legacy, fill needs unmet by troubled industry (By B. Denise Hawkins, NABJ Black News & Views, October 30, 2023)
‘I’m a soldier first’: Senior, Black female vets share experience in U.S. Military (By Abriana Herron, Indianapolis Recorder, July 28, 2023)
Oklahoma Parkinson's Alliance (By Cecilia Hernandez, Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma, July 10, 2023)
Why Cancer Treatments Might Not Work Very Well for Older Adults (By Jyoti Madhusoodanan, Undark, June 26, 2023)
Senior living: What to do when arthritis dictates what you do (By Elissa Lee, Press-Telegram, June 16, 2023)
Climate Change Can Harm Mental Health of Older Adults (By Ambika Kandasamy, San Francisco Public Press, June 16, 2023)
The Hidden Epidemic Endangering Coloradans, Especially Older Adults (By Claire Cleveland, Collective Colorado, June 12, 2023)
‘Independence is almost a God-given right.’ Will lawmakers protect it in the budget? (By Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin, June 5, 2023)
Waiting and praying: One senior in Clarkston's story to find affordable housing (By LaShawn Hudson, WABE, May 22, 2023)
Medicare Advantage supplemental health plans draw scrutiny (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, May 22, 2023)
Seniors being treated for mental and emotional post-COVID problems (By Mark Woolsey, Rough Draft Atlanta, May 17, 2023)
From Boom to Chaos: A Decade's Journey through Senior Social Day Care Centers in Chinese communities (By Yiyan Zheng, World Journal, May 2, 2023, Mandarin language)
Takeaways about heat deaths and vulnerable older people (By Anita Snow, Associated Press, April 30, 2023)
Deadly heat waves threaten older people as summer nears (By Anita Snow, Associated Press, April 30, 2023)
‘Health Care Sharing’ Mimics Medigap, but Isn’t Insurance (By Alex Rosenberg, NerdWallet, April 24, 2023)
Ageism, stigma hinders response to senior alcohol use disorder (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, April 20, 2023)
Direct Primary Care Offers More Access, but Medicare Won’t Pay (By Alex Rosenberg, NerdWallet, April 17, 2023)
How to Best 'Navigate This World' With Cognitive Impairment (By Nora Macaluso, Next Avenue, April 10, 2023)
Easing the Financial Burden of Cancer Care (By Patricia Anstett, Urban Aging News, April 2023)
Breast cancer costs linger for many women as Medicare falls short (By Patricia Anstett, Detroit Free Press, March 30, 2023)
Cost Plus Drugs Might Save Medicare Members Money — With a Catch (By Alex Rosenberg, NerdWallet, March 28, 2023)
Can the U.S. health system handle the needs of an expanding older population? (By Barbara Mantel, CQ Researcher, March 23, 2023)
‘We’re teetering on the edge.’ Are Medicaid rates making it harder to age at home? (By Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin, March 22, 2023)
Could Professionalizing the Caregiving Workforce Have Impact? (By Nora Macaluso, Next Avenue, March 21, 2023)
Clases de tecnología empoderan a personas de la tercera edad (Technology classes empower Latino seniors) (By Mey Lyn Mitteenn, Excelsior, March 18, 2023, Spanish language)
Memoir Writing in the Time of the Pandemic (By Ann Hedreen, 3rd Act Magazine, March 2023)
Little Tokyo Nutrition Services Is Taking Food Insecurity Off the Menu (By Annakai Hayakawa Geshlider, Rafu Shimpo, March 4, 2023)
Diverse Caregivers (By Cassie Chew, Chicago Health: Caregiving, February 22, 2023)
More Older Adults Than Ever Are Taking Multiple Drugs (By Barbara Mantel, Next Avenue, February 17, 2023)
The Long-Term Care Equality Index: Here's What You Need To Know (By Nora Macaluso, Next Avenue, February 17, 2023)
Older people are often invisible in mental health settings. Here are some tips to get care (By Michelle Baruchman, The Seattle Times, February 9, 2023)
Research on Climate Change and Health Reveals Risks for Older Adults: A Q&A With Dr. Andrew Chang (By Ambika Kandasamy, San Francisco Public Press, January 27, 2023)
Have a Conversation (Not a Lecture) About Fraud With Older Adults (By Alex Rosenberg, NerdWallet, January 27, 2023)
Intergenerational living offers benefits for seniors and students (By Mark Woolsey, Silver Streak/Rough Draft Atlanta, January 26, 2023)
Why Is it Harder to Sleep When You Get Older? (By Ruben Castaneda, U.S. News & World Report, January 26, 2023)
Local female veteran group lets the community know ‘our stories count’ (By Abriana Herron, Indianapolis Recorder, January 26, 2023)
Community Groups Step In To Help Immigrant Elders Get Health Care (By Nora Macaluso, Next Avenue, January 23, 2023)
Fentanyl is killing older, Black D.C. residents (By Chelsea Cirruzzo, Axios, January 23, 2023)
Providers say Medicare Advantage hinders new methadone benefit (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, January 4, 2023)
Llamadas telefónicas: una caricia al alma para los adultos mayores (Telephone calls: a caress to the soul of the elderly) (By Mey Lyn Mitteenn, Excelsior, December 27, 2022, Spanish language)
The Libraries Among Us (By Ann Hedreen, 3rd Act Magazine, December 13, 2022)
Working at 76: Inflation forces hard choice for older adults (By Anita Snow, Associated Press, December 15, 2022)
Tell us: Have you ever felt your mental health concerns were dismissed or ignored? (By Michelle Baruchman, The Seattle Times, December 13, 2022)
To Access Assisted Living or Elder Care, Some LGBTQIA+ Older Adults Go Back Into the Closet (By Claire Cleveland, Collective Colorado, December 6, 2022)
The Golden Years of Indian Immigrants in America (By Lavina Melwani, Khabar, December 2022)
With state aging rapidly, communities see opportunities to become more ‘age-friendly’ (By Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin, November 30, 2022)
Older adults face Medicare hurdles for substance use treatment (By Jessie Hellmann, CQ Roll Call, November 30, 2022)
Silver City: Happy 2023 with Historic Increase in Social Security (By Peggy Sands, The Georgetowner, November 28, 2022)
Feet Off the Gas: How to Help Patients Hang up Car Keys (By Lara Salahi, Medscape, November 28, 2022)
How to Tell If Your Older Patients Are Binge Eating (By Lara Salahi, Medscape, November 18, 2022)
How racism skewed estimates of heart disease in women (By Jyoti Madhusoodanan, Science, November 11, 2022)
Immigrant health aides rally against 24-hour work day (By Yiyan Zheng, World Journal, November 10, 2022, Mandarin language)
What experts say about growing old in America (By Lois Collins, Deseret News, November 10, 2022)
Orlando developing plan for age-friendly living (By Carolyn Guniss, Orlando Sentinel, October 6, 2022)
Need for home care rising, but caregivers are hard to find in rural WA (By Paige Cornwell, The Seattle Times, August 21, 2022)
Senior living: How to reduce the risks of falls in older adults (By Elissa Lee, Southern California News Group, August 15, 2022)
Community organizations actively launch mental health projects to help Asian elderly get out of the haze (By Melody Cao, SinoVision, August 12, 2022)
For older LGBT caretakers, together can still feel alone against aging and illness (By Elissa Lee, Southern California News Group, July 11, 2022)
Older Adults Facing Economic Hardships in Puerto Rico and Abroad (By Mayra Acevedo, WIPR-TV, June 2022)
Many younger baby boomers may outlive their 401(k) savings, new research finds. Here’s why (By Annie Nova, CNBC, June 19, 2022)
What will doubling the percentage of elderly people by 2050 do to the U.S. workforce? (By Tony Hicks, Bay City News, June 1, 2022)
Asian Prisoner Support Committee Celebrates Victories Against ICE (By Annakai Hayakawa Geshlider, The Rafu Shimpo, June 1, 2022)
Lives Cut Short: COVID-19's Heavy Burden on Older Latinos (By Ruben Castaneda, U.S News & World Report, June 1, 2022)
Aging in Prison: How Older Generations Fight for Dignity and Release (By Annakai Hayakawa Geshlider, The Rafu Shimpo, May 28, 2022)
Retirement communities in Florida range from fun-in-the-sun to aging in place (By Ronnie Lovler, The Gainesville Sun, May 22, 2022)
D.C.’s struggle to end homelessness is getting more complicated (By Chelsea Cirruzzo, Axios, May 19, 2022)
‘I felt so caught in between’: Older, LGBT+ caretakers face special challenges (By Elissa Lee, Southern California News Group, May 18, 2022)
“La Puerta de Oro” Needs to be Remembered (By Ian Torres, Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma, May 16, 2022)
Latino couple share their story during the pandemic (By Ian Torres, Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma, May 16, 2022)
‘Whole new crisis’ for WA long-term care facilities, 2 years into COVID (By Paige Cornwell, The Seattle Times, May 16, 2022)
Home-Based Palliative Care Can Improve Quality of Life (By Lola Butcher, Next Avenue, May 9, 2022)
Caregivers are burned out and underpaid. A new housing model aims to make their work more visible. (By Carly Stern, Big If True, May 2, 2022)
Flying Solo: Reinventing Widowhood (by Lavina Melwani, Khabar Magazine, May 2022)
A New Age for the Arts (by Julie Fanselow, 3rd Act Magazine, May 2022)
South Florida seeing an uptick in rates of HIV diagnoses among people 50 and older (By Verónica Zaragovia, WLRN Public Radio, April 6, 2022)
House of the "Abuelos" is soon to open in Tulsa (By Ian Torres, Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma, March 28, 2022)
6 Strategies for Aging Successfully (By Ruben Castaneda, U.S. News & World Report, March 28, 2022)
How older workers can push back against the reality of ageism (By Annie Nova, CNBC, March 20, 2022)
Nature Gurlz walk for sisterhood and better health and wellness amid the COVID-19 pandemic (By LaShawn Hudson, WABE, March 18, 2022)
D.C.’s HIV+ population is aging. Doctors say that’s a good sign. (By Chelsea Cirruzzo, Axios, February 28, 2022)
‘Please take me home’: The heartbreaking rubric of dementia and COVID (By Elissa Lee, Southern California News Group, February 21, 2022)
Omicron leads to changes at agencies serving LGBTQ elders (By John Ferrannini, Bay Area Reporter, February 16, 2022)
Power to the pensioners: growing elderly population means more political leverage by 2050 (By Tony Hicks, Local News Matters, February 11, 2022)
Holding on to Their Faith: Strengthening Black Families Living with Dementia (By B. Denise Hawkins, Trice Edney News Wire February 1, 2022)
Aging is Still One of Biology's Greatest Mysteries (By Jeanne Erdmann, Discover, January 25, 2022)
Too young to retire but at risk for Covid, older Americans struggle to find work (By Michael Sainato, The Guardian, January 25, 2022)
A Song of Hope for People with Memory Loss (By Julie Fanselow, 3rd Act Magazine, January 12, 2022)
Pandemic Reveals Issues Already Prevalent for Older Adults Such as Loneliness, Holistic Health Care (By Nargis Rahman, WDET-FM Detroit, December 31, 2021)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Older women face 'gendered ageism' — and the pandemic underlined it (By Joanne Laucius, Ottawa Citizen, December 27, 2021)
Class at Alachua County Senior Center offers vintage dancing for vintage people (By Ronnie Lovler, Gainesville Sun, December 26, 2021)
'Happy Holidays?' It is OK to not be OK this time of year, and what you can do about it (By Maria Sestito, Palm Springs Desert Sun, December 22, 2021)
‘At 75, I still have to work’: millions of Americans can’t afford to retire (By Michael Sainato, The Guardian, December 13, 2021)
What Black and Latina women need to know about dementia (By Carly Stern, The Washington Post, December 9, 2021)
A non-medical way to improve elder care — art, imagination and creativity (By Jaya Padmanabhan, San Francisco Examiner, December 8, 2021)
The hidden meaning behind the stories elders tell you over and over (By Joanne Laucius, Ottawa Citizen, December 3, 2021)
Indiana elder care providers tap lawmakers for hiring help (By Casey Smith, Associated Press, December 2, 2021)
Aging Farmworkers Never Retire (By Eduardo Stanley, Community Alliance, December 1, 2021)
It’s Medicare Open Season: Be Aware! Very Aware! (The Georgetowner)
'Living and not living': COVID's toll on Alzheimer's patients and the spouses home with them (Palm Springs Desert Sun)
Silver City: Seniors, the Happiest Demographic (The Georgetowner)
The Faika Broadcast | S5 Ep. 40 w/ Melissa Aliu (The Faika Broadcast)
The Faika Broadcast | S5 Ep. 32 w/ Nani Wilson (The Faika Broadcast)
Farmworkers Work Hard: How Do They Age? (Community Alliance)
How one Bangladeshi family’s lifeline of support was disrupted by the pandemic (Tostada Magazine)
Tag team approach to healthcare reaches older adults in Bangladeshi community during COVID-19 pandemic (Tostada Magazine)
Protecting Elders in a Pandemic World (The Atlanta Voice)
Mental Health of Asian Elderly in the Pandemic: Facing the Mental Health Crisis (SinoVision)
Mental Health of Asian Elderly in the Pandemic: Making Connection to the World (SinoVision)
Mental Health of Asian Elderly in the Pandemic: Adding Safety Nets (SinoVision)
Mental Health of Asian Elderly in the Pandemic: Fighting against Anti-Asian (SinoVision)
This Father’s Day, Don’t Forget Dad’s Dad, Grandpa (The Georgetowner)
Tackling Latino health, caregiving and housing is key as older population grows (NBC News)
Aging While Black: The Crisis Among Black Americans as They Grow Old (The Crisis)
Diary Of A Pandemic: The Caregivers (Palabra)
In Georgetown’s Hot Housing Market, Demand for Elevators ‘Going Up!’ (The Georgetowner)
Hey Naani-Ma, Put On Your Dancing Shoes. It’s Good For Your Brain! (India Currents)
Booming: Am I old or just older? Contemplating the word 'senior' (Palm Springs Desert Sun)
During COVID, Georgetown Boosted Its ‘Silver City’ Appeal (The Georgetowner)
Elder Abuse: Another COVID-19 Evil (The Crisis)
SF housing advocates work to address disparities for BIPOC, LGBTQ seniors (Bay Area Reporter)
Housing crisis takes toll on Bay Area LGBTQ seniors (Bay Area Reporter)
Will the Nursing Home of the Future be an Actual Home? (Politico)
Caregivers in Times of Emergency (WIPR-TV "Notiseis 360")
Seniors experience Mental Stress due to the closure of Chinese American Senior Centers (SinoVision)
Older adults most resilient age group against COVID’s mental health impact (Wicked Local)
Changes to nursing home care slow COVID infection rates (Wicked Local)
Do You Get Angry More Often as You Grow Older? (Atlanta Senior Life)
Ageism in the Workplace: Companies Breaking the Mold (Next Avenue)
Ageism in the Workplace: Can President Biden Change the Course? (Next Avenue)
An Exception to the Rule (POZ Magazine)
How Some HIV Controllers Contain the Virus (POZ Magazine)
Robotic pets provide companionship to Minnesota seniors: 'Kitty is there' (Star Tribune)
Virginia Tech researchers seek to understand effects of caregiving on extended family (The Roanoake Times)
Contra-Vax (Palabra)
Is End of Life Its Own Stage of Life? (Next Avenue)
Nurses Feel Emotional Impact of COVID-Related Senior Losses (Action News Now)
Why understanding the impact of the pandemic in Detroit’s Bangladeshi community is more complicated than you think. (Tostada Magazine)
Are Conservative Policies Shortening American Lives? (Undark)
Creative tools help LGBTQ seniors fight isolation (Bay Area Reporter)
Longtime Erlanger employees pursue legal action over pension woes (Chattanooga Times Free Press)
'Worried sick': Erlanger retirees reel over pension changes a month after current employees, executives get bonuses (Chattanooga Times Free Press)
Family Caregiving While Facing Fears of COVID-19 Pandemic (Action News Now)
Nursing homes balance COVID-19 prevention, social isolation (Cape Cod Times)
Study seeks to understand Arab American health during COVID-19 (Arab American News)
Health Care Comes to Assisted Living (Next Avenue)
The Master Plan for Aging Addressing the Graying of California (Action News Now)
Older adults feel isolating effects of holidays upended by COVID (Wicked Local)
Pandemic invades nursing homes again (Politico)
Despite His Advanced Age, Justin Gatlin Is a Peak Performer (Real Health)
Sports: A Double-Edged Sword (Real Health)
Pandemic Increases Emotional Toll on Informal Caregivers in Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico (Medicina Salud Publica/Diverse Elders Coalition)
What We Learn From the Long Lives of Nuns (Think: People, Not Productivity) (KQED)
COVID-19, aging, dementia and social bonds; an Arab American perspective (Arab American News)
Why Older People Really Eschew Technology: It’s not because they can’t use it. (Slate)
Aging in Prison: A Cruel and Not Unusual Punishment (Real Health)
Planning for the Future (Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma)
The American Dream (Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma)
Hurt at Work (Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma)
Undocumented Latino Seniors Struggle Without Pensions, Health Insurance (Diverse Elders Coalition/La Opinion)
American Workers’ Health Challenges Before Reaching the Golden Age (Diverse Elders Coalition/La Opinion)
Latinos, Victims of Depression Who Are Unaware or Live in Denial (Diverse Elders Coalition/La Opinion)
The US communities hit hardest by Covid-19 are also the most ignored (Quartz)
60% of Virginia's COVID-19 deaths came from long-term care, but state code bars knowing which homes (The Roanoake Times)
Tercera edad en la calle y con un futuro poco prometedor (La Opinion, Spanish language)
Aging in Prison: A Cruel and Not Unusual Punishment (Real Health)
Emergency: Outbreaks in Prison (Real Health)
Pandemic intensifies feelings of seclusion for seniors (Cape Cod Times)
Pandemic adds to strain for Cape grandparents raising grandchildren (Cape Cod Times)
Llegar a la tercera edad como inmigrante, sin pensión y sin seguro médico (La Opinion, Spanish language)
Los altos costos médicos ponen en jaque a miles de estadounidenses (La Opinion, Spanish language)
Death As Performance Art: People Share Stories Of Loss On Stage (KALW Public Radio)
Meals on Wheels (Telemundo Noticiero Oklahoma/Diverse Elders Coaltion)
Embracing Life: New challenges for women aging with HIV require more research (POZ)
Cultural Motivation to Volunteer Among Older Jewish Adults (Jewish Life News)
Elder Abuse Can Be Close to Home (Atlanta Senior Life)
Is Aging a Disease? (Slate)
‘Talking Out Loud’ About Sex After Loss (Next Avenue)
Resource center on Alzheimer’s disease holds community informational meeting in Dearborn Heights (Arab American News)
Aging in Massachusetts is Getting Harder (El Planeta/Diverse Elders Coalition)
‘Hidden and buried and locked’ (Cape Cod Times)
The Key to Elder Abuse Prevention is Education (Atlanta Senior Life)
Researchers look to use technology to ease burden of caring for relatives with dementia (The Roanoake Times)
3 Degrees of Separation (Real Health)
Living Longer with HIV (Real Health)
Innovative center improves Alzheimer awareness through contextual research on Arab Americans (The Arab American News)
The Double Whammy For Older, Low-Wage Workers With Chronic Conditions (Next Avenue)
The Dog Aging Project: Em-'Barking' on a New Line of Research (Atlanta Senior Life)
Cliff Notes for Growing Old Well (The Tennessee Tribune)
La comunidad latina de la tercera edad, víctima de la depresión (La Opinion, Spanish language)
Cohousing is a potentially key way to combat loneliness — but it's difficult to get off the ground (Ottawa Citizen)
The cost of loneliness: Canadians are facing a solitary future — and it's affecting their health (Ottawa Citizen)
What’s Behind My Mother’s Obsession with Food? (India Currents)
Federal Program to Upgrade Skills and Find Jobs for Older Workers in Kentucky Part of Global Trend (WKU Public Radio)
Elder Employment Program Struggling to Find Kentucky Businesses to Hire Workers with Upgraded Skills (WKU Public Radio)
If dementia can’t be prevented, can it at least be detected early? (Quartz)
When older residents can’t make ends meet (San Francisco Examiner)
A Cancer Care Approach Tailored To The Elderly May Have Better Results (NPR)
La generación de una vejez mal interpretada (La Opinion, Spanish language)
A dog's life: New study to investigate aging process in man's best friend (Ottawa Citizen)
How These Aging Experts Decided Where They’d Live In Later Life (Next Avenue)
Rural Social Worker Develops Internationally Known Anti-Frailty Program (Next Avenue)
Death and Dying: A Filipino American Perspective (AsAm News)
Ruth Moy reflects on nearly 50 years of service to Asian elders (Sampan)
Chinese elders face hurdles to settle in America (Sampan)
Untreated Hearing Loss Linked To Loneliness And Isolation For Seniors (NPR)
Social worker guides aging patients through some of their darkest times (Times Free Press)
Senior suicide: Counteracting loneliness can head off depression in older adults (Times Free Press)
Immigrant elders seek housing options to age in community (Sampan)
Aging in Prison: The Forgotten Plight of Women Behind Bars (The Crime Report)
Aging Southern Musical Artists Celebrate 25 Years Of Music Maker (WUNC North Carolina Public Radio)
Mental Health in Older Jewish Americans (Jewish Life TV)
POLITICO Pro Q&A: Geriatrician and author Louise Aronson (Politico)
Dances With Manangs (Positively Filipino)
Artist Wen-ti Tsen reflects on immigration and aging (Sampan)
Community mom: Ruth Moy reflects on raising four children while leading Golden Age Center (Sampan)
Experts: Start talking about aging and suicide (Times Free Press)
Honey: A Story of Defeating PTSD (World Journal/Diverse Elders Coalition)
As Death Approaches, Older Indian Americans Unprepared for the End (India-West)
Latina longevity is real, but it can bring health, financial challenges (NBC Latino)
Home Health Care Providers Struggle With State Laws And Medicare Rules As Demand Rises (Health Affairs)
As Boomers Age, Senior Centers Face Lower Attendance Amid Social Isolation (WFPL News Louisville)
Detroit’s Water Austerity: Lack of Household Water, Contamination, Potential Public Health Crisis (Global Research)
Vietnamese immigrants care for parents with dementia, amidst stigma (KALW Public Radio)
Aging In Rural America: The Link Between Chronic Disease And Mental Health (WFPL News Louisville)
Eula Grooms - Life On The Other Side (Telegram Newspaper)
Side Effect Of Opioid Epidemic? Grandparents Raising Grandkids (WFPL News Louisville)
Gerontological Society of America Welcomes JLTV’s Brad Pomerance to its 2018 “Journalists in Aging Fellows Program” (Jewish Life News)
What Second Chance? The Uncertain Future of Post-Prison Health Care (The Crime Report)
Groups aim to boost low Latino participation in organ and marrow donations, clinical trials (NBC Latino)
Dementia: How to Find the Right Fit for Long-Term Care (Kiplinger's Retirement Report)
Blue Zones, Part 3: How the Oldest People in America’s Blue Zone Make Their Money Last (Next Avenue)
Blue Zones, Part 2: How the World’s Oldest People in Asia and Europe Make Their Money Last (Next Avenue)
Blue Zones, Part 1: How the World’s Oldest People Make Their Money Last (Next Avenue)
A Little Too Late, Some Chinese American Vets Could Never Receive Congressional Gold Medal (World Journal, Mandarin language)
Elder Refugees In Kentucky At Risk for Hunger (WKU Public Radio)
Wisconsin has highest rate of deadly falls among older adults (Wisconsin State Journal)
Clinic addresses falls as medical condition, not accidents (Wisconsin State Journal)
Falls in facilities for elderly part of Wisconsin's high rate of deadly spills (Wisconsin State Journal)
Not moving increases risk for falls, UW nursing professor says (Wisconsin State Journal)
Targeted programs can reduce deadly falls by elderly, address Wisconsin's high rate (Wisconsin State Journal)
Medics refer 911 callers for falls to prevention services (Wisconsin State Journal)
What’s Killing Nashville’s Black Neighborhoods? (The Tennessee Tribune)
Elderly Homeowners are the New Expendables as New Development Invades N. Nashville (The Tennessee Tribune)
Nashville Next: Where’s the Beef? (The Tennessee Tribune)
Building Safety-Net Housing in Shark-Infested Waters (The Tennessee Tribune)
Quality of Life Enhanced for Seniors with Companion Animals (Washington Informer)
Changing how we age (The Irish Echo)
Aging African-Americans are hit with a double-whammy: health and financial troubles (USA Today)
For Low-Income Older Adults, Some Food Access Solutions Go Further Than Others (WFPL News Louisville)
African Americans face greater risk of Alzheimer’s disease than whites (USA Today)
For Some Older Adults In Louisville, Daily Nutrition Is A Struggle (WFPL News Louisville)
The Changing Face of Family Caregiving (Stria)
A Mouthful of Pain for Older People: Sen. Cardin Introduces Medicare Dental Benefit (India West)
Louisville Program for Elder Refugees Is A Buffer Against Isolation (WKU Public Radio)
Vietnamese death anniversaries unite young and old (KALW Public Radio)
SF offers LGBT seniors end-of-life services (Bay Area Reporter)
Age-friendly universities: Colleges are making dramatic changes to attract older students (Considerable)
Differences in NYC’s Chinese Elders End-of-Life Care Preferences (Sing Tao Daily/Diverse Elders Coalition)
Part of an age-friendly city: advocacy training for elders (Bay State Banner)
New Group Aims To Address Isolation Among LGBTQ Older Adults (WFPL News Louisville)
Elder Refugees in the Bluegrass State Face Challenge of Language Barriers (WKU Public Radio)
Christmas at the Covingtons (The Tennessee Tribune)
Secrets of Happiness from the Oldest of the Old (Kiplinger's Retirement Report)
Chinese Seniors Need More End-of-Life Communication and Treatment (World Journal, Mandarin language)
Deportados en Tijuana con pocas opciones (La Opinion, Spanish language)
Los abuelos: baluarte en las familias hispanas/Latino grandparents: bulwark in Hispanic families (Mundo Hispanico, Spanish language)
Impacto de las políticas migratorias trasciende generaciones/An impact that transcends generations (Mundo Hispanico, Spanish language)
Aging-Related Sleep Problems and Memory Loss (U.S. News & World Report)
'Bingocize' Created by WKU Professor Approved to Help Address Major Problem of Aging (WKU Public Radio)
Wisconsin training health providers to care for aging population (Wisconsin State Journal)
LGBT seniors grapple with end-of-life issues (Bay Area Reporter)
The Medicaid Experiment Treating Mind And Body (Next Avenue/Forbes)
Season of Sharing: Music every morning, until a new day dawns (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
NEW WRINKLES: Upsides and downsides in the circle of life (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
Aging with animals: Pets can help older adults, but they come with challenges (Times Free Press)
The Burgeoning Trend of Age-Friendly States (Next Avenue)
Yelp Beats CMS (Politico)
NEW WRINKLES: The spirit of the Gray Panthers stirs to life (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
Caregivers find solace, relief in creative escapes (Star Tribune)
Black seniors struggle with diabetes and weight management (The Louisiana Weekly)
Seniors, Blacks and Hispanics are especially susceptible to dehydration (The Louisiana Weekly)
Eczema: Symptoms are found to be worse for African Americans (The Louisiana Weekly)
African-American Seniors Struggle to Find Therapists Who Understand (KQED Public Radio)
At 100, my mom had dementia and needed hospice care. Getting it was nearly impossible. (The Washington Post)
Alzheimer’s: The Disease that Steals Memories (Washington Informer)
Heart Disease Still Deadly for African-American Women (Washington Informer)
Palliative Care: The Search For Comfort And Healing In The Face Of Death (KALW Public Radio)
Medicare Advantage Plans Cleared To Go Beyond Medical Coverage — Even Groceries (California Healthline)
Chinese Seniors in New York: Where to Live (Sing Tao Daily/Diverse Elders Coalition)
When Mom Doesn’t Recognize Me — I ‘Tie a Knot and Hang On’ (Washington Informer)
Hmong Elders and Depression (, California Hmong Media/Diverse Elders Coalition)
A Gift From My Grandmother: An Embrace of Life — and Aging (KQED Public Radio)
Home Care Agencies Often Wrongly Deny Medicare Help To The Chronically Ill (Kaiser Health News)
If you're expecting a long life, take time to adjust your financial plan (CNBC)
Due to the age of these stories and the discontinuation of New America Media's website, links to older material have been deactivated.
- Undocumented Latinos Aging in New England’s Shadows (El Planeta/Diverse Elders Coalition)
- Filipino Caregivers Battle Lack of Sleep, Other Work Risks (Philippine News/Diverse Elders Coalition)
- Elder fraud: Senior swindles, both by relatives and others, are on the rise (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
- Intergenerational Programs Thrive in Rural Minnesota (Next Avenue)
- Will Juárez and Mexico be an escape valve for the U.S. health care crisis? (
- New York City Program Brings Generations Together (Next Avenue)
- Poor public transportation can be a roadblock to the everyday needs of Arab-American seniors (Detroit Journalism Cooperative)
- Public School in a Nursing Home Benefits Young and Old (Next Avenue)
- New Mexicans trek across the border for dental care in Palomas (
- Poor public transportation can be a roadblock to the everyday needs of Arab-American seniors (Detroit Journalism Cooperative)
- Paiute Tribe elders navigate a faltering health care system (High Country News)
- Caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease (Native America Calling)
- Aging Undocumented Day Laborers Face Uncertain Future (La Opinion/Diverse Elders Coalition)
- Studies in Tradition: Caring for our Elders (Caribbean Today)
- Aging Farmworkers Face Challenges with Retirement (KAWC Colorado River Public Media)
- Black primary care and family care providers embrace online toolkit to help in early detection of dementia (Los Angeles Sentinel)
- Ageism Is Everywhere — Here's What We Can Do About It (Minneapolis Star Tribune/New America Media)
- Can Technology Predict Falls in Older Adults? (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Financial Circumstances Have People Over 50 Working Longer (Washington Informer/New America Media)
- Senior Medicine: When ‘More’ Isn’t Better (Politico/New America Media)
- Ailing Seniors Are Fastest-Growing Group Using Medical Marijuana (NPR/New America Media)
- Music Brings Healing, Comfort to the Dying (KALW Public Radio/New America Media)
- Tips for Keeping Your Aging Mind Sharp and Avoiding DementiaTips for Keeping Your Aging Mind Sharp and Avoiding Dementia (El Planeta Media/New America Media)
- Three-Generation Asian Homes Can Stimulate Elders’ Brain Health (Media Central, Inc./American Commercial News, Mandarin language))
- 'Aging in Place’ Takes Less Positive Meaning for Many Detroit Elders (Detroit Journalism Cooperative/New America Media)
- Stanford ‘Letter Project’ Makes End-of-Life Wishes Clear in Many Languages (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Self-Driving Car Advocates Believe Seniors Will Drive Sales (NorthStar News Today/New America Media)
- Balancing Mobility and Fear of Falls in Seniors (U.S. News & World Report)
- AARP's Long-Term Care Scorecard for Elders’ Wellbeing (KAWC Colorado River Public Media/New America Media)
- U.S. Stumbles Toward Day of Reckoning with Rising Retirement Crisis (NMPolitics/New America Media)
- Brain Health for a Song--Aging and the Arts (Caribbean Today/New America Media)
- Rapid Aging of U.S., Latin America Mean ‘Race Against Time’ and Poverty (NMPolitics/New America Media)
- Study: Race Bias Doubles Suicide Consideration by Chinese Elders in U.S. (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- What's the 'Right' Amount of Volunteering for Older Adults? (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Super-Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Made Possible by Brain Scans (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Sleep: Nature’s Elixir for Sustaining Good Health (Washington Informer/New America Media)
- A New Age of Aging: How Tech Can Ease the Trials of Getting Old (California Magazine/New America Media)
- Coachella Rising: Can Organic Farming & Unions Transform Calif.'s Hottest Farm Belt? (Capital & Main/New America Media)
- Coachella Rising: Aging Farmworkers, Unions, Organic Mangos & the Salton Sea (Capital & Main/New America Media)
- What’s the Key to Longevity? Experts Say, Don’t Worry—Be (Happily) Aging (New Hampshire Union Leader/New America Media)
- Why Robots Are the Way of Our Aging Future (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- Could a Vaccine Prevent Alzheimer's? Some Researchers Think So (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- Black, Gray and Gay: The Perils of Aging LGBTQ People of Color (NBCBLK/New America Media)
- Most Elders Want to Stay at Homes, But Is That What's Best? (Deseret News/New America Media)
- Profile in Old Age: Family, Friends and Purpose Fend Off Isolation (Deseret News/New America Media)
- THE BLESSING SCAM: A Con Returns to Haunt Chinese Community (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- THE BLESSING SCAM: The Ugly Fraud Haunting Older Chinese Women (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Challenges Loom for Growing Elderly Filipino American Population (Philippine News/New America Media)
- The Real Financial Costs of Caregiving (Minneapolis Star Tribune/New America Media)
- Dementia, Poverty & Homelessness Intersect Leaving Black Elders’ Needs Unmet (Los Angeles Sentinel/New America Media)
- A Black Father and Son at the Intersection of Dementia, Poverty and Homelessness (Los Angeles Sentinel/New America Media)
- The Problems With Hearing Aids—And the Solutions (Senior Planet/New America Media)
- Can You Hear Me Now? 8 Options for Affordable Hearing Aids (Senior Planet/New America Media)
- Black Retirees: North Carolina's 'Reverse' Migration (WUNC/New America Media)
- Older, Wiser and Fighting Climate Change (California Health Report/New America Media)
- SENIOR CLASS: Life Experience Enhances Back to School (KSFR Public Radio/New America Media)
- SENIOR CLASS: Back to School at 50+ for Income, Family, Community (KSFR Public Radio/New America Media)
- How 'Connected' Will Your Aging Be in the Robotic Age? ( America Media)
- How Will Artificial Intelligence Help Aging Boomers? ( America Media)
- Recovering From Trauma of Financial Elder Abuse—What to Do (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- The Mental and Physical Cost of Elder Financial Abuse (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- They Fought for the U.S. in Laos. Now Many Older Hmong Fight Depression (KQED-FM "California Report"/New America Media)
- Financial Exploitation: When Taking Money Amounts to Elder Abuse (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Housing Innovations for Young and Old Counter Senior Isolation (Minneapolis Star Tribune/New America Media)
- Are You Lonesome? How Minnesota Seniors Are Combating Social Isolation (Minneapolis Star Tribune/New America Media)
- A New—Healthier—Era for Soul Food (Florida Courier/New America Media)
- Latino Grandparents as Parents—on Diaper Duty Again (La Opinión/New America Media)
- Experts Challenge Asian Stereotype, Call for More Chinese Family Support (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Soul Food -- Cultural Lifestyle or Disease Trap? (Florida Courier/New America Media)
- STOP FALLS: Smart Soles and Other High-Tech Ways to Stop Falls (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- The High Cost of Falling Down: Why Falls Are an Overlooked Health Crisis (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- Love Never Gets Old - Even at 100 (La Opinion/New America Media)
- A Closer Look: The Local Impact of Social Security Reform (Fresh Water/New America Media)
- Lost and Found - California Seniors Get the Call on Loneliness (New America Media)
- Billions in Crop Value, But Few Apples for Older Latino Farmworkers (Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- Aging Hispanic Farmworkers Face Uncertain Future in Washington State (Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- With Incidents Increasing, What's Being Done to Prevent Senior Falls? (Chicago Tribune/New America Media)
- How Obamacare Improved the Nation’s Health (AFRO/New America Media)
- Isolation Puts Seniors at Risk (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- INVISIBLE IN NEW YORK: A Ray of ‘New Hope’ for Black Elders (Amsterdam News/New America Media)
- 'Memory Cafes' Takes Aim at Elder Isolation, Dementia Concerns (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- Do White And Black Older Adults Perceive Social Status Differently? (WUNC Public Radio/New America Media)
- More Americans Care for Elderly Relatives, But Who Cares for the Caregivers? (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- Fighting Ageism, Seniors’ Isolation Across Generations (KSFR Public Radio/New America Media)
- Numbers of Filipino American Elders, Other Aging Minorities on the Rise (Philippine News/New America Media)
- Color Me Bad? Scientist Calls Negative Stereotypes a “Threat” to Black Health (NBCBLK/New America Media)
- Lyft and Uber Want To Give Old Folks a Ride ( America Media)
- Smart Glasses, Map Apps and Other Promising Tech for Seniors (Senior Planet/New America Media)
- When Friends Become Caregivers (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- INVISIBLE IN NEW YORK: No Safe Haven for the Old, Black and Poor (Amsterdam News/New America Media)
- Renewing Their Vows--After Seven Decades of Love (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- INVISIBLE IN NEW YORK: Older, Black and Eeking Out a Living (Amsterdam News/New America Media)
- House Calls Are Back--and Hospitals See Them Saving Medicare Money (HFMA Healthcare Business News/New America Media)
- A Poor Christmas for Latino Elders on LA Streets (La Opinión/New America Media)
- INVISIBLE IN NEW YORK: One Social Worker's View of Aging Black on Life’s Margins (Amsterdam News/New America Media)
- For Chinese & Other Elders, Growing Isolation Is Major Health Challenge (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- INVISIBLE IN NEW YORK: Housing for the Ages--The quest to Build Coretta Scott-King Senior Apartments (Amsterdam News/New America Media)
- The Challenges of Safely Aging in Place in Rural America (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- What Astronauts Can Teach Us About Aging (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- Aging, Race and the Trump Election Impact (Uprising Radio/New America Media)
- Childhood Trauma Effects Often Persist Into 50s and Beyond (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Blues Icon Highlights Meeting’s “New Lens” on Black Aging Research (Florida Courier/New America Media)
- Aging Boomers to Depend on a Little Help From Their Friends, Extended Kin (Deseret News/New America Media)
- Experts Say Depression Rates Among Latinos Likely to Rise Under Trump (La Opinión/New America Media)
- Aging in Trump's America is Something to Fear, Health-Care Experts Warn (Ottawa Citizen/New America Media)
- THE DOCTOR’S WORD: New Mexico’s New Dementia-Research Center on Cutting Edge (New Mexico Jewish Link)
- The Fine Art of Blowing Up Art: Evelyn Rosenberg’s Explosive Sculptures (New Mexico Jewish Link/New America Media)
- DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: Gaps In Care Persist During Transition From Hospital To Home (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: ‘America’s Other Drug Problem’: Copious Prescriptions For Hospitalized Elders (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: Geriatric ERs Reduce Stress, Medical Risks For Elders (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- THE DEMENTIA DILEMMA: NY’s Chinese Caregivers Find Support in Each Other (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- THE DEMENTIA DILEMMA: New York’s Chinese Elders and their Families (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Dance, Dance, Dance: Korean Seniors Step Up to Fitness (Hyphen/New America Media)
- DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: Elderly Hospital Patients Need To Keep Moving (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- DIAGNOSIS UNPREPARED: Elderly Hospital Patients Arrive Sick, Often Leave Disabled (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- Black, Old and Locked Up: The Stresses of Release and Reentry (Miami Times/New America Media)
- Creating The Right Settings for Arab American Seniors (Al Enteshar/New America Media)
- THE GUARDIANSHIP TRAP: System Improving, But Problems Persist (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- THE GUARDIANSHIP TRAP: Fighting the Greed Factor in Elder Abuse (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- THE GUARDIANSHIP TRAP: Protecting Elders, or Exploiting Them? (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Chinese Elders Find Compassionate and Spiritual Care in Psychotherapy (America Commercial News/New America Media)
- Chinese American Elders Find Joy in Nursing Home--From Youth (America Commercial News/New America Media)
- Attachment to Family Key to Better Aging of Latinos in U.S. (La Opinión/New America Media)
- Life Interrupted: African American Seniors Surviving the Housing Crisis (Inland Valley News/New America Media)
- AGING IN THE FIELDS: Retirement Followed by a Return to Work (Capital & Main/New America Media)
- AGING IN THE FIELDS: No Alternative But to Keep Working (Capital & Main/New America Media)
- Buddha Comes to the Hospital: What’s the Sound of One Patient Meditating? (NPR/New America Media)
- Caregivers Face Crushing Demands, But Help Isn’t Far (Dallas Morning News/New America Media)
- Chicago Senior Services Help Latino Elders Face Isolation, Depression (La Raza/New America Media)
- Old and Homeless: Aging Hard and Fast on Spokane’s Streets (Spokane Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- Latino Elders Increasingly Alone and Isolated in Chicago (La Raza/New America Media)
- Compensating the Kindness of Strangers: Immigrant Care Workers in the Shadows (Boston Globe/New America Media)
- Tibetan Buddhism’s American Diaspora--To Woodstock (America Abroad/New America Media)
- Finding Support for Seniors Facing Challenges Living Alone (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Aging Parents at a Distance Who Aren’t Really ‘Just Fine’ (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- The Other 2016 Campaign: Reframing Aging (Next Avenue/Forbes/New America Media)
- ‘Dolphin Tank’ Friendlier Than ‘Sharks’ in Senior-Business Competition (Aabaco/Yahoo News/New America Media)
- Is Aging With Dignity a Human Right? U.S., Europe Say ‘No’ (Dollars & Sense/New America Media)
- A Creative Edge Sharpens Aging Minds, Improves Health (Arizona Republic/New America Media)
- Public Confusion on Palliative Care vs. Hospice Limits Help at End-of-Life (Fort Wayne News-Sentinel/New America Media)
- UCLA Freshmen Learn About Growing Old (Kaiser Health News)
- Outsider Challenges NY Dem, GOP Regulars for Congress (NorthStar News Today/New America Media)
- Children, Elders Hit by Common Virus That Can Turn Deadly (Chicago Tribune/New America Media)
- For Arab Americans, Elders Pave The Future (Al Enteshar/New America Media)
- Albuquerque--Is It a Place Where Jews Can Retire? (New Mexico Jewish eLink/New America Media)
- Senior Malnutrition Grows in Ohio With 411,000 Hungry Last Year (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- Eat, Pray, Gain--Black Church Meals May Serve Fellowship With Obesity (NorthStarNews Today/New America Media)
- Study Links Filial Piety to Caregiver Stress, Depression in Chinese Americans (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Happy Hearts: Study Shows Owning Pets Can Lower Seniors’ Blood Pressure (Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- Chinese American Doctor Honored for Studying Seniors in U.S. (America Commercial News/New America Media)
- From Monkey Studies to Eldercare, Irish Researchers at Forefront of Aging (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- Rocky Rollouts as States Try Managing Medicaid Long-Term Care (Chicago Tribune/New America Media)
- ADVANCE CARE PLANS: Don’t Wait Until You’re Old to Plan for Old Age (WBAI HealthCetera/New America Media)
- Pets can boost health of LGBT seniors (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- ADVANCE CARE PLANS: African American Seniors and Life’s ‘What-Ifs’ (Inland Valley News/New America Media)
- Too Old to Be President? Ageism a Political Undercurrent in U.S. (Viet Tide/New America Media)
- Don’t wait to think about aging until you’re old (Health Cetera)
- Florida Study: Blacks Least Apt to Get Shingles Protection (Miami Times/New America Media)
- California Latest State Requiring Hospitals to Keep Caregivers in the Loop (Kaiser Health News/New America Media)
- Ageism, Attitude Can Impact Your Physical and Brain Health (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- What Prompts Elder Abuse? Researchers Find Common Triggers (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Rethinking the hospital experience for older patients (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Malnutrition: A Hidden Epidemic in Elders--Especially Latinos (La Raza/New America Media)
- Meeting Spotlights LGBT-Aging Research From HIV to Isolation (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Expert panel highlights cognitive aging risk factors, prevention (Association of Health Care Journalists Covering Health Blog)
- Silent Epidemic: Seniors and Addiction (U.S. News & World Report)
- Elder Hunger: New Efforts to Combat Common Malnutrition Among Seniors (WBUR CommonHealth/New America Media)
- Fighting Ageism in the Twitter Era (Gettinig Old Isn't All That Bad) (Arizona Republic/New America Media)
- Your Tax Dollars at Work, Helping a Few Hundred Old Folks (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Visiting Future World, to See How We'll Age (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Aging Trans People Locked Out of U.S. Health Care System (Newsweek/New America Media)
- Resident-on-Resident Abuse a Common Problem at Nursing Homes (The Buffalo News/New America Media)
- ‘Senior Villages’ Struggle with Call to Diversify (KQED California Report/New America Media)
- Asking the Right Questions for End-of-Life Your Choices (Touching Lives/New America Media)
- As Senior Meals Go Ethnic, Health, Funding, Strict Rules on Menu With Bok Choi (Hyphen/New America Media)
- Wonton Soup, Bok Choi--Subsidized Comfort Meals New for Ethnic Elders (Hyphen/New America Media)
- BOSTON: Gentrification Hits Elders on Housing Costs (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- BOSTON: Rents Put Squeeze on Black, Chinese Elders (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- Indian American Elders in U.S. Recreate Home From Florida to California (India Currents/New America Media)
- How ACA is Changing Chronic Care at Hospitals (Philadelphia Inquirer/New America Media)
- Town Copes With Retirement Trend of Friendly, But Sparse Rural Living (Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- Old and Off the Grid--Facing Cancer in the Rugged Northwest (Spokesman-Review/New America Media)
- Big Apple’s Sunnyside Supports Latinos & Other Caregivers (WBAI-FM/HealthCetera/New America Media)
- Family Eldercare: Survival in the Big Apple (WBAI-FM/HealthCetera/New America Media)
- Dementia Puts Elders at Risk of Financial Abuse (Dallas Morning News/New America Media)
- Fraud and Foreclosure: Financial Abuse Hits Boston Elders, Families (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- For Boston’s Older Homeowners, It’s ‘Borrower Beware’ (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- House Rich, But Cash Poor--Home Repairs Loom Large for Low-Income Seniors (Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- Aging-in-Place May Be a Fountain of Youth Secret (Psychology Today)
- Calming Dementia Patients — Without Powerful Drugs (KQED Public Radio/New America Media)
- Next of Kin Healthcare Dilemma is Stressful at Any Age (Psychology Today)
- Compassion: Living, Loving, and Dying (Psychology Today)
- Rigid Requirements for Older Refugees Test U.S. Humanitarianism (News-Sentinel/New America Media)
- Refugee Elders Escape Somali Strife--Now Struggle to Survive U.S. Bureaucracy (News-Sentinel/New America Media)
- Older Refugees Face Challenges Trying to Maintain SSI Aid (News-Sentinel/New America Media)
- Survival Secrets: Why Women Age More Resiliently Than Men (California Magazine/New America Media)
- Midlife Latinas Are Boosting U.S. Entrepreneurial Numbers (Next Avenue/Forbes/New America Media)
- Tortured, Jailed Black Seniors Released--But Denied Social Security (NorthStar News Today/New America Media)
- Latino Families Find Eldercare A Tough But Beautiful Mission (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- America's Family Caregivers Need Assistance (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- GENTRIFIED: Oakland’s Chinatown Seniors Hope to Age in Place (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- GENTRIFIED: Nonprofits Help Keep Roofs Over Oakland Elders’ Heads (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- GENTRIFIED: Homelessness Growing for Oakland Seniors (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- GENTRIFIED: Affordable Housing Unaffordable’ for Many Low-Income Oakland Seniors (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- GENTRIFIED: The Toll on Oakland Seniors (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- Suffering in Silence-Mental Health & Older Asian American Immigrants (Asian Fortune/New America Media)
- Despite Improvements, Ohio Advocates Say Anti-Elder Abuse Funds Fall Short (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- Ohio Elder Abuse Mirrors National Picture of Government Neglect (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- Vulnerable Latino Elders Face Shortage of Geriatric Health Professionals (Mundo Hispánico/New America Media)
- For a Few Lucky Seniors, Happy Endings in Living Situations (The Virginian-Pilot/New America Media)
- Elder Abuse Rising in Care Facilities Mixing the Frail and the Disturbed (The Virginian-Pilot/New America Media)
- California “Ambassadors” Help Other Immigrant Elders Get Needed Help (KALW-FM/New America Media)
- San Francisco Seniors Cross the Digital Divide (KALW-FM/New America Media)
- Why Medicaid’s Racism Drove Historically-Black Nursing Home Bankrupt (The Crisis/New America Media)
- The Death of a Black Nursing Home (The Crisis/New America Media)
- Doctor With Parkinson’s Fights Latino Culture’s Silence, Denial and Isolation (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- Parkinson’s Isn’t Aging, Experts Tell Latinos, Who Often Ignore Symptoms (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- A Small Business Solution to Shrinking Workforce--Hire Seniors (Yahoo Small Business/New America Media)
- Irish Doctor’s Wisdom on the Art of Aging (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- Villages Offer Services and Community for Bay Area Seniors (KALW-FM/New America Media)
- Study Exposes Nursing Home Residents’ Aggression Against Each Other (Columbus Dispatch/New America Media)
- Oakland’s New Road to Seniors' Independence Starts Construction (Oakland Local/New America Media)
- Researcher Calls "Successful Aging" Form of Ageism (KNBA-FM/New America Media)
- Texas Researchers Seek World War II Vets for Study on Memory, Identity (KUT-FM/New America Media)
- Navajo Elders Denied Help 100 Miles from Agencies That Forget Human Factor (Navajo Times/New America Media)
- Sun City couple shares secrets to a long life (Arizona Republic)
- Smart Home Project Records Seniors' Movement, Behavior (Spokeman-Review/New America Media)
- 5 Ways to Cut the Financial Strain of Caregiving (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Nursing Home Elder Abuse a Problem Almost Hidden for Latinos (La Opinión/New America Media)
- Chinese-Elders Study Belies Top-Down “Parachute” Research Lumping All Asians (Asian Fortune/New America Media)
- “Work Till You Drop” in Retirement Years? Experts Say Not Always Bad (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Changing Demographics Create Opportunities for Entrepreneurs (QuickBooks Small Business Center Blog)
- Why Eldercare Will Need More Gen Xers, Millennials -- & Money (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Hearts, Minds, Sugar and Sleep: Health/Mental Health in Black Elders (BlackManStreet.Today/New America Media)
- Special Training Prepares Nurses for Growing Senior Population (News-Sentinel/New America Media)
- Can Spirituality Help You Age More Gracefully? (KALW Spiritual Edge/New America Media)
- How Companies Are Making Work-Life Balance Better for Caregivers (U.S. News & World Report)
- Making Technology Work for Elders in the New Longevity Economy (WBAI/New America Media)
- Health Sentinel: NICHE training prepares health workers for growing number of older-adult patients (Fort Wayne News-Sentinel)
- Online Classes Help Families Globally Cope With Alzheimer’s Stress (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Eldercare 'Scorecard' Rates States in Effort to Stress Independence (KQED/New America Media)
- Increasing Black Elders to See Sharp Rise in Alzheimer’s (BlackManStreet.Today/New America Media)
- Financial Elder Abuse a Growing--But Preventable--Problem (The Bay State Banner/New America Media)
- New trends in aging demographics hit Allegheny County (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
- Why Older Americans Are Financially Vulnerable (U.S. News & World Report/New America Media)
- Diabetes and Falls Prevention: Researchers Work with Seniors (The Virginian-Pilot/New America Media)
- “Who Will Care for Us?”: Many Immigrant Elders Lack Health Care Access (India West/New America Media)
- Going Like 60--Thoughts for Women on the Triumph, Tragedy of Aging (The Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- How many years can you hear in a person's voice? (The Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Online Classes Help Families Globally Cope With Alzheimer’s Stress (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- “Who Will Care for Us?” Ask Indian American Seniors in Immigration Limbo (India West/New America Media)
- Middle Class Struggles to Preserve Retirement Security (The Dallas Morning News/New America Media)
- Worried about how you'll age? Tech tools give a hand (The Virginian-Pilot)
- Elderly Black Population to Double by 2050 (
- Thoughts on the triumph and tragedy of aging (The Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- COPD and Depression Among Blacks (Milwaukee Community Journal)
- Techno Health: “Just Swallow a Mini-Robot and Call Me in the Morning” (California Magazine/New America Media)
- How Changes in Familial Piety in the Modern Society Affect End-of-Life Caring in Hong Kong (Sing Tao Daily - Mandarin language)
- Working till you drop? Experts say don't be scared (Sing Tao Daily - Mandarin language)
- A website that helps caregivers of dementia patients is struggling (Sing Tao Daily - Mandarin language)
- Abuse among seniors living in homes needs more attention (Sing Tao Daily - Mandarin language)
- You're only as old as you feel about being old (The Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Study: 1 in 5 nursing home residents abused (The Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Teen Girls Starting an Assisted Living Business (Retirement Living TV)
- Senior Centers Lag Behind Alzheimer’s Rising Tide in Oregon (Investigate West/New America Media)
- Dealing With Dementia: An African American Son Tells His Story (The Root/New America Media)
- Minnesotans Show How to Create ‘Dementia-Friendly’ Communities (New America Media)
- Wii What? Video Games Not Just for Kids Anymore (Buffalo Magazine/New America Media)
- Miss. Inner-City, Rural Care Rising for Black Elders Despite Struggles (Jackson Advocate/New America Media)
- For Black Elders, Improving Miss. Care Homes Involves Hopes and Prayers (Jackson Advocate/New America Media)
- Coordinated Care for Those Nearing Life’s End - But Does It Save Money? (KQED California Report/New America Media)
- Life's Journey: A Hospice Nurse's Frank Approach to Heath Death (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/New America Media)
- For Many Boomer Immigrants, Rough Times Ahead (Next Avenue/New America Media)
- Eagle Feathers for Your Journey: Cultures Differ As Death Approaches (Arizona Republic/New America Media)
- Hunger on the Border—Latino Elders Struggle to Eat in South Texas (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- Many Indian American Widows Prefer Living Alone Than With Their Families (India West/New America Media)
- As Health Falters, LGBT Seniors Face Stark Housing Choices (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Ethnic Transgender Women Reflect on a Lifetime of Struggle and Change (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- LGBT Seniors in California Lack Affordable Housing Options (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Black LGBT Seniors Struggle with Double Discrimination (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- LGBT Groups Working to End Seniors’ Isolation (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Experts Warn Sleepless Seniors Overusing Store Drugs, But Can Find Help (Senior News 50 & Better/New America Media)
- Un-Retiring? Here’s How To Connect With A Career Coach (Forbes/New America Media)
- LGBT Latino Seniors Face Housing Crunch, Isolation in San Francisco (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Trauma of AIDS Epidemic Impacts Aging Survivors (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- Senior Centers’ Casino Trips Help Drive Gambling Addiction (The Buffalo News/New America Media)
- As Seniors Gamble for Fun, Some Find Only Trouble (The Buffalo News/New America Media)
- Aging Alaska Faced Looming Shortage of Care Providers (KNBA Public Radio/New America Media)
- In Alaska, Riskier Lifestyle Contributes to Shorter Longevity (KNBA Public Radio/New America Media)
- As more seniors gamble for fun, some are finding only trouble (The Buffalo News)
- Navajo Elder’s Silvery Pathway to Traditional Knowledge (Navajo Times/New America Media)
- 'Promotoras' Help Texas Border's Poorest Seniors Make Healthy Choices (KUT Public Radio/New America Media)
- Aging Texas 'Golden Girls' Doubling Up for Affordable Housing (KUT Public Radio/New America Media)
- The D Factor: How Respect for Dignity Can Make Care Better ( America Media)
- Social Security Bounces Back in Debate (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- In Texas, Elderly Population Gets Help from Increasingly Older Caregivers (KUT Public Radio/New America Media)
- Keep Your Resume From Being a Career Obituary (Next Avenue)
- Exercise Makes the Difference for Latino Elders (La Opinion/New America Media)
- Study Shows Telepsychiatry Effective for Alaska Elders (KNBA Public Radio/New America Media)
- Over-The-Counter Drugs: A Dangerous Prescription For Confusion (Connecticut Health I-Team/New America Media)
- Why the rise in fatal falls? (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Navajo Artists Leave Images of Healthy Lifestyles for Future Generations (Navajo Times/New America Media)
- Pittsburgh Hospice Study Raises Questions on Race, Income and Stress (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/New America Media)
- Impact of HIV/AIDS on Over 50 Population Growing (Bay Area Reporter/New America Media)
- It's Time for a Rewrite Moment for Retirement (Next Avenue)
- "Families and Faith" Author Predicts More Boomers Will Return to Religions (Religion News Service/New America Media)
- Eldercare Experts Find Skype Can Beat Depression Better Than Meds (KUT-FM/New America Media)
- Singing to Destigmatize Alzheimer’s (AARP Blog)
- Elder Artisan Weaves Alamo Navajo Heritage for New Generations (Navajo Times/New America Media)
- For Caregivers and Hospice Angels, Self-Care Is Not Optional (Psychology Today/New America Media)
- Don’t worry: Be wise and happy (Arizona Republic)
- Bleak Future of Long-Term Care Funding ( America Media)
- Research: Art Activities Preserve Health, Heritage for Ethnic Elders (Navajo Times/New America Media)
- For Latinos, Death Takes a Holiday (Hispanic Link News Service/New America Media)
- Holidays a key time to check health status of elderly relatives (The Buffalo News)
- Focus turns to aging with AIDS (Bay Area Reporter)
- One fountain of youth; hold the snake oil (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Increased Vaccinations May Cut Preventable Deaths, Officials Say (News & Observer/New America Media)
- For ethnic baby boomers, health equals wealth (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Wealth not key factor in boomer retirement plans (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- The science of aging: enjoying life after 100 (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Aging expert Vern Bengtson: Boomers will return to church (Washington Post/Religion News Service)
- More ways to exercise brain and body in Parkinson's patients (Sarasota Herald-Tribune)
- Staying Active Beats the Blues for Latino Elders (WDET-FM/New America Media)
- For Parent Care, Japanese Americans Face Cost and Cultural Dilemmas (Rafu Shimpo/New America Media)
- Hollywood is Cashing in on Movies for Boomers (WDET-FM/New America Media)
- Digital Elders Upgrade for Work, Family and Peace of Mind (Los Angeles Sentinel/New America Media)
- Cyber Village Speeds Family Connections for LA’s Elders of Color (Los Angeles Sentinel/New America Media)
- For Japanese Americans, Generation Gap Is Like Spam Musubi Snack (Rafu Shimpo/New America Media)
- Solutions Target Caregiver Stress (California Health Report/New America Media)
- The Color of Care in Aging America (California Health Report/New America Media)
- America’s Growing Caregiving Crisis Spans Generations (California Health Report/New America Media)
- Cannabis for Elders: A Precarious State (The Atlantic/New America Media)
- Financial Abuse: Could You Spot It? (Today's Caregiver Magazine)
- Parkinson’s Care Decisions Challenge Latino Families (El Semanario/New America Media)
- Health Care Barriers Hinder Parkinson's Care for Latinos (El Semanario/New America Media)
- Filipino Elders in U.S. Hope to Return Home—With Medicare (Filipino American Bulletin/New America Media)
- Memory Medication: Today and Tomorrow (Psychology Today)
- THE HOME CARE REVOLUTION: Robots and Eldercare’s Future (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- THE HOME CARE REVOLUTION: Finding Skilled Eldercare Workers Not Easy (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- THE HOME CARE REVOLUTION: Eldercare at the Crossroads (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Will Online News Kill Print? Not So Fast, Say Seniors (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- Caregivers Break the Silence: Japanese Americans at Risk (Rafu Shimpo/New America Media)
- NY Irish Center Fights Older Immigrants’ Isolation (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- Here Come the Baby Boomers! Part III (Physician's Money Digest)
- Here Come the Baby Boomers! Part II (Physician's Money Digest)
- Irish Social Workers Taking U.S. Eldercare Lessons Home (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- All the Lonely People: How We Live Alone Past 65 (News & Observer/New America Media)
- Filipino Vets’ Tale Tells Immigration Reformers Never Give Up (Filipino American Bulletin/New America Media)
- Arab American Women Struggle While Aging in a New World (Arab American News/New America Media)
- Finding the Best Possible Nursing Home Care for a Loved One (Providence Journal/New America Media)
- Aging Between Two Worlds: Hispanic Elders Thrive on Faith, Optimism, Tradition (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- Aging Between Two Worlds -- Hispanic, Old and Poor on the Texas Border (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- PEARLS Helps End Depression for Seattle’s Filipino Elders (Filipino American Bulletin/New America Media)
- DOCTOR’S WORD: Can Physicians Cope with a ‘Silver Tsunami?’ (Physician's Money Digest/New America Media)
- Financial Abuse: Could You Spot It? (Today's Caregiver/New America Media)
- The Case for Mandatory Full-Time Nursing Home Doctors (Psychology Today/New America Media)
- “Make Love, Not War” Boomers Now the Valentine Generation (Providence Journal/New America Media)
- Goal Shifts to Keeping Aging Drivers at the Wheel (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Aging Boomers with HIV Teaching Doctors to Keep Them Independent (WHYY/New America Media)
- At War With Alzheimer’s - A Latina Immigrant's Story (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- Aging Arab Americans: The Invisible Elders (Arab American News/New America Media)
- Social Security, Medicare Safe From Fed Cuts—Until March (L.A. Watts Times/New America Media)
- Detroit’s Caldo de Pollo for the Soul—Feeds Latino Seniors' Needs (WDET News/New America Media)
- Baby Boomers: Start Turning Nursing Homes Upside Down (Psychology Today)
- Global Aging: Engine for Growth--or Fiscal Nightmare? (Reporting on Health/New America Media)
- Birds Do It. Bees Do It. So Why Shouldn’t Grandparents Do It? (California Health Report/New America Media)
- Social Security Advocates Fight to Keep Program from Fiscal Cliff (Irish Echo/New America Media)
- U.S.-Japan Study: Japanese Elders May Be Happier (Rafu Shimpo/New America Media)
- Despite Poverty Today, Latinos May Define Rules in Aging America (HuffPost Voces/New America Media)
- Entrepreneurship One Answer for Aging Boomers As Jobs Dwindle (El Semanario/New America Media)
- Doctor's Word: Why Bridging Practitioners to Elder Research Makes Sense (Physician's Money Digest/New America Media)
- From Trauma to Dancing—Eldercare Will Challenge Boomer Generation (The Providence Journal/New America Media)
- Aging: Medicine’s Poster Child (Physician's Money Digest)
- GSA's 65th Annual Scientific Meeting Held in San Diego (Runta, Somali language)
- White House Release of Report May Help Filipino WWII Vets Get Their Due (Filipino-American Bulletin/New America Media)
- Older women dating revealing too much (information) online (WHYY Philadelphia/New America Media)
- America’s Demographic Destiny—Aging Fast, But Unprepared (Physician's Money Digest/New America Media)
- Study: Education Extends Longevity—Except for Black Males (Sarasota Herald-Tribune/New America Media)
- Help for helpers of the homebound (News & Observer)
- Silver-Haired Retirees in U.S., China Can Be Golden Asset (Global Times/New America Media)
- Seniors mull pros, cons of Social Security reform (News & Observer)
- Why does education play such a big role in longevity? (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
- Many family caregivers lack the training they need (News & Observer/New America Media)
- Is It All In Our Minds? Memory and Aging (Psychology Today/New America Media)
- Adult caregivers, don’t quit your day job (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
- It’s not old vs. young, but rich vs. poor (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
- Gerontologists urge caution in Social Security changes (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
- Keynote Speech at the 65th Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Physician's Money Digest)
- The graying of America’s rainbow could rock the vote (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
- Report: Deaths rose after nursing home evacuations (USA Today)
- Survey shows Americans support maintain social security system (Sing Tao Daily, Mandarin language)*
- GSA Convention raised curtain; Mental health of Asian Seniors is one focus (Sing Tao Daily, Mandarin language)
- Research of happiness of Chinese seniors hampered by lack of data (Sing Tao Daily, Mandarin language)
- Chinese Scientists Aim to Prove Tai Chi’s Positive Effect on Elders (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- An Aging Immigrant Rebuilds Life, Career in U.S. (CNN/New America Media)
- Women's Longevity Declining in Parts of U.S. (Connecticut Health I-Team/New America Media)
- The Other Death Sentence: Aging and Dying in America’s Prisons (Mother Jones/New America Media)
- As "Lone Deaths" Rise in U.S., Korean Elders "Reverse Immigrate" Home (Korea Daily/New America Media)
- A “Lone Death”-- Elderly Korean Immigrants' Worst Nightmare (Korea Daily/New America Media)
- Seniors Grow Old Under Debt (The Baltimore Sun/New America Media)
- Making hard decisions: Families face progression of care choices in Alzheimer's disease (Twin Cities Daily Planet)
- When Alzheimer’s Meets Race, Black Caregivers Face Toughest Challenges (Twin Cities Daily Planet/New America Media)
- Alzheimer’s at the Outset—A Black Family Coping at the Crossroads (Twin Cities Daily Planet/New America Media)
- African American Families Face Alzheimer's Disease (Twin Cities Daily Planet/New America Media)
- Seniors Get Crafty for Online Fun--and Profit (St. Louis American/New America Media)
- Recession Makes Latino Seniors Put Retirement on Hold (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- African American Elders Log-In for Computer Fun—and Jobs (St. Louis American/New America Media)
- Senior Civil Rights Activist Amplifies Protest Voice Online (St. Louis American/New America Media)
- Boomers begin to wonder: Who will take care of me? (MinnPost)
- Home sweet home: Many want to 'age in place' (MinnPost)
- After careers: ‘Encore work,’ reinvention and service (MinnPost)
- Challenges and change confront the boomers (MinnPost)
- Later Life ‘Encore Work’ Replaces Income, Reinvents Retirement (MinnPost/New America Media)
- Becoming an E-Patient: One Elder’s Path From Online Games to Health Gains (St. Louis American)
- Study: LGBT Ethnic Elders See More Poverty, Isolation, Bias (La Opinion/New America Media)
- Experts: Vietnamese Parents Could Stem Youths’ High Depression Rates (Viễn Đông Daily News/New America Media)
- More Older Vietnamese American Seeking Help for Depression (Viễn Đông Daily News/New America Media)
- Want to Live Comfortably in Retirement? Your Job Hunt Starts Now (Forbes)
- Growing Old, Sick and Latino in the South Without Papers (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- Latina Elders With Imprisoned Children Locked in Hard Times (La Opinion/New America Media)
- Elderly Latino Parents Struggle When Children Are Behind Bars (La Opinion/New America Media)
- Will Psychiatry Replace Elders’ Old “Normal” With New “Mentally Ill” Diagnoses? (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- Abuse of Mind-altering Drugs Rising in Elder Care Facilities (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- New Options In Dementia Care Offer Hope With Fewer Drugs (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- Unique Elder Court Protects Seniors With Special Needs (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- 7 Ways to Save Your Relationships From Caregiver Stress ( America Media)
- How to Beat Caregiver Stress Syndrome and Stay Healthy (
- Eldercare Stress: What's Different for Males—Especially Black Men ( America Media)
- Avoiding Stress in Eldercare: What 7 At-Risk Groups Need to Know ( America Media)
- To Help Elders, South Asian Scholars Build Global Network (India Currents/New America Media)
- Nunca es tarde para convertirse ciudadano (Univision Arizona, Spanish language)
- Hacerse ciudadano: proceso rápido y sencillo (Univision Arizona, Spanish language)
- For Arizona's Latino Elders, Becoming U.S. Citizen Easier Than Expected (Univision Arizona/New America Media)
- Study Shows Latinos Save Less for Retirement (Forbes/New America Media)
- Young Doctors Flock to New Specialty-- End-of-Life Care (San Jose Mercury News/New America Media)
- Historical, Generational Trauma Haunt Vietnamese Seniors in U.S. (Viễn Đông Daily News/New America Media)
- Aging in Asia (India Currents)
- Vietnamese Elders Struggle With Depression Years After War (Viễn Đông Daily News/New America Media)
- Train like Muhammad Ali: Read These Tips For Boomer Entrepreneurs (Forbes)
- Tips For Late-Career Entrepreneurs (For- or Non-Profit) (Forbes/New America Media)
- Alzheimer’s Studies May Help Prevent Shrinking Brains, “Silent Strokes” (CNN/New America Media)
- Eying a Late-Career Change? You've Got Company (Forbes)
- Want to Start Your Own Business? Get a Business Mentor (Forbes)
- How to Prepare for Non-Profit Work (Forbes)
- Great Way For Boomers to Prepare for Nonprofit Work (Forbes)
- Services Not Reaching Atlanta's Elder Koreans (Korea Daily/New America Media)
- Jobs Program for Older Americans Struggles (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- GSA 2011 focuses on minority aging and family caregiving (Korea Daily, Korean language)
- Older workers face bleak prospects, program cuts (Twin Cities Daily Planet/New America Media)
- 90-Year-Old Latina Brings Art to Life and Life to Her Art (Mundo Hispanico/New America Media)
- Recognizing complexities in depression, reporting accurately (Viễn Đông Daily News)
- Scientists Gleaning Longevity’s Secrets From Okinawa to Loma Linda ( America Media)
- Estudios sobre latinos de la tercera edad (Univision Arizona, Spanish language)
- Kulankii GSA 64th Annual Scientific Meeting ee Boston ee Gabowga Ku Saabsanaa! (Runta, Somali language)
- Suxufi yiintii Lagu Martiqaaday shirka GSA ee ka dhacay Boston (Runta, Somali language)
- Ancianos gays sufren mayor discriminación (La Opinion, Spanish language)
- Access to caregiving can have barriers for immigrants (The Baltimore Sun)
- Online dating: Seniors bring different values to the process (
- The Future of Old Age in America (The Guardian/New America Media)
- Unemployment triples for older, low-income workers (St. Louis American)
- Study: Recession Hits Low-Income, Older, Ethnic Women Workers Hardest (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- Want a happy marriage? Have more sex (The Baltimore Sun)
- To Live Longer, Make Changes Big and Small (
- Having Dementia Doesn't Make You a "Hopeless Patient" (
- Happiness is More than Finding A Dream Job for 65+. Try Sex, Study Finds (Forbes)
- Buscan ayudar a las personas de la tercera edad en conferencia (Univision Arizona, Spanish language)
- Race is on to sequence centenarian DNA (The Baltimore Sun)
- Want a happy marriage? Have more sex (The Baltimore Sun)
- The Greatest Race: X Prize Enlists Elders in Quest for Vitality (Redwood Age/New America Media)
- This is how you live to be 105 (The Baltimore Sun)
- As more get old, experts advise: Move it (USA Today)
- Want to beat that record-setting age? (USA Today)
- Former Assistant Secretary of Department of Aging Calls Immigrant Communities to Judge Candidates by Elderly Care Policies (Sing Tao Daily*, Mandarin language)
- Study: Elder Abuse a Serious Problem for Chinese Seniors (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Federal Budget Cuts Hit Heavily on Older Workers Employment Program (Sing Tao Daily, Mandarin language)
- Archon Genomics X Prize Begins Recruiting Centenarians (Sing Tao Daily, Mandarin language)
- AK: Caring for Elders (Alaska Public Radio Network)
- Elders Seek Chinese Healers Despite U.S. Malpractice Threat (The Epoch Times/New America Media)
- How Chinese Seniors Navigate the U.S. Health Care System (The Epoch Times/New America Media)
- Experience sheds light women’s post-retirement investment practices (The Louisiana Weekly)
- Somali Elder Helps Seattle Refugees Be Buried Affordably with Dignity (Runta/New America Media)
- Facebook for Centenarians: Senior Citizens Learn Social Media (The Atlantic)
- How Seniors Survived Katrina—Family, Faith and Community (New Orleans Agenda/New America Media)
- Grandparent caregivers relievers of the foster care system (El Nuevo Sol)
- Wise Investments: Financial Realities Face Black Boomers (Louisiana Weekly/New America Media)
- Health Coverage Crucial to Latino Grandparent Caregivers (El Nuevo Sol/New America Media)
- Latino grandparents face challenges when raising children anew (Pasadena Star-News)
- Native Americans offer 'success stories for healthy aging' (USAToday)
- Seniors exercise right to a better, more youthful life (USAToday)
- “Renpin” Factor—Why Asian Elders Sometimes Support Mixed Marriages (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- Dissonant Wedding Bells: Generations Clash Over Asian Mixed Marriages (Sing Tao Daily/New America Media)
- The Amazing Racer -- Safe Driving Possible Even at Age 90 ( America Media)
- A Falling Risk in Camden (Philadelphia Inquirer)
- Finding Your Niche Housing in Retirement — or Before! (AARP Bulletin)
- Retirement Communities Say 'Bring In the Kids!' (AARP Bulletin)
- Not home alone: Retirement communities provide companionship (Chicago Tribune)
- Physical Video Games May Help the Elderly Psychologically (The Atlantic)
- Health and Disease: Living longer brings own set of problems (The Sacramento Bee)
- Finances: Most won't have the money to live comfortably in retirement (The Sacramento Bee)
- Where will boomers get long term care? (The Sacramento Bee)
- Elder Cohousing: A new option for retirement — or sooner! (AARP Bulletin)
- Senior Citizens on the Gulf Coast After Environmental Catastrophes (New Orleans Agenda/New America Media)
- 'Green House' Homes: A Model for Aging That Promotes Growth (AARP Bulletin)
- As we age, number of specialists in aging lags (Minneapolis Star Tribune)
- Abused at the Nursing Home: Physical violence is on the rise in long-term care facilities (AARP Bulletin)
- A Shelter From Elder Abuse: A new protection concept emerges at one long-term care facility (AARP Bulletin)
- Phila. effort aims to make parks fit for seniors (Philadelphia Inquirer)
- A sustainable solution to the senior transportation gap (SmartPlanet)
- Wisdom and Bayonets: Chinese Scholars Reveal Longevity Secrets (SingTao Daily/New America Media)
- Nursing homes are seeking to end the stupor (Minneapolis Star Tribune)
- Retirement: Older Californians Need Twice the Federal Poverty Level to Make Ends Meet (The Epoch Times)
- Somali language report on the meeting (
- Aging: A Global Challenge (The Louisiana Weekly)
- GSA Annual Convention Focuses on the Diversity of Elderly Population (Sing Tao Daily)
- Scholars Call for Community-based Senior Care System in China (Sing Tao Daily)
- Scholars Found 40% of Seniors in China Developed Depression Mood (Sing Tao Daily)
- Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement Proved Effective in Hong Kong (Sing Tao Daily)
- Ada Mui from Columbia Won Outstanding Mentorship Award (Sing Tao Daily)
- Bing Chen Won Robert Kleemeier Award from GSA (Sing Tao Daily)
- Chinese-American Professor Honored for Research on Aging (New Tang Dynasty Television)
- Demographers Dispel Misconceptions About Aging Adults (National Real Estate Investor)
- To thrive in old age, keep an open mind (USAToday)
- Experts on aging: Stay fit after 65 to live longer, better (USAToday)
- Experts on aging ponder best way to reduce disabilities (USAToday)