Research, Education, and Practice ... Where it all comes together.

GSA membership gives you an opportunity to share a collective purpose with others — the advancement of gerontological research, education, and practice. Whether it's discussing the latest topics at the Annual Scientific Meeting, finding a long-lost colleague in the membership directory, or reading a friend's article in one of our many journals, GSA keeps you connected to your field. See all of GSA’s membership benefits.

Join GSA

Membership Benefits

Resources you need to advance in the field of gerontology.

Membership Levels and Dues

A membership for everyone … students, early-career, professionals and retirees.


Connect with 6,000+ career gerontologists and students who call GSA their professional home.

Federal Policy Updates

GSA continues to track and provide updates on actions taken by the administration and Congress that impact members, including those related to federal funding.


Learn More

CEO Message on Advocating for Aging Research

As we celebrate Careers in Aging Month, CEO James Appleby discusses how GSA and its members can work together to confront policy changes that are dramatically impacting federal funding of vital scientific research and health programs.

You can call or write your elected representatives, share your stories directly with GSA, and join us in Washington, DC, on April 29 and 30 for a Capitol Hill Day.