What is it?
The Expert Referral Services is a database of gerontologists that currently boasts several thousand experts in more than 300 different areas of aging.
How does it work?
When you need to speak to an authority about an aging-related topic, GSA reviews its membership roster to find the best-suited people to address the issue. The experts can also provide important facts and figures. Recently, we've identified members for national network media appearances, press interviews, conference speeches, and prestigious consulting positions.
How do I use it?
To request an expert or for more information, send an email with your request to news@geron.org. GSA members should make sure their selected areas of expertise are current by updating their member profile. The contact information of experts will not be given to those soliciting products, services, or conferences. For such purposes, GSA offers its mailing list for a fee.
What about physician referrals for patients?
Please note that GSA does not provide referrals to physicians for patients. The U.S. Administration on Aging’s Elder Care Locator, accessible at https://eldercare.acl.gov/ or toll-free number 800-677-1116, is a nationwide directory assistance service designed to help older persons and caregivers locate local support resources for aging Americans.