Leaders Embrace Call to Action to Improve Our Understanding of Aging

The National Center to Reframe Aging — the leading organization for proven strategies to effectively frame aging issues — welcomed thought leaders, national experts, federal representatives, and local, regional, and state-based leaders to an April 10 summit for transformative conversations about the current movement to reframe aging, gain insight into real world application of communication strategies and tools, and exchange ideas for advancing an equitable and complete story about aging in America.

GSA Member Calls on Senate to Strengthen Long-Term Care Workforce

Speaking today at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Gerontological Society of America member Jasmine Travers, PhD, MHS, RN, AGPCNP-BC, told lawmakers that America’s long-term care system relies on a workforce — one that is often unseen and unheard — commonly known as direct care workers. And despite the critical role of this workforce, it faces significant challenges in recruitment, retention, and morale that threaten its sustainability.

Better Nutrition Can Lead to Better Brain Health, GSA Publication Shows

“Insights & Implications in Gerontology: The Vital Role of Nutrition in Brain Health,” a new publication from the Gerontological Society of America, explores nutritional choices that have been shown to improve cognition and decrease the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in older adults.

Study Finds Coping is Related to Longevity in Older Men

In a new study from Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, researchers have determined that in older men, the overall effort put into coping was generally more important for longevity than the specific coping strategies used, or how stressful they considered the problem to be shortly after it had happened.
