Join Us As We Confront Ageism in the Media

It’s a shocking, sobering scenario for anyone working in the field of gerontology — in the runup to the U.S. presidential election this November, the national conversation is daily, perhaps hourly, dominated by utter ageism.

Help Spread the Word About Careers in Aging Day in Tampa

New at this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, the Society is providing local undergraduate students with the means to learn about career opportunities in the aging field. Through a full day of programming on Friday, November 10, Careers in Aging Day participants will have a free chance to learn everything about GSA, career options in the aging field, the workings of a professional conference, and educational options at local colleges and universities.

GSA Journals Continue to Lead: Latest Impact Factors Announced

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

Congratulations to everyone involved in the preparation and production of GSA journals, from individual authors to reviewers to editors. The latest impact factors are in, and GSA’s peer-reviewed titles have had a stellar showing!

Impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which articles in a journal from the two preceding years have been cited in the given year. While this is not the only measure of a journal’s performance, it’s a leading indicator and an important consideration when authors are determining where to submit new manuscripts.
