Take Advantage of GSA 2020 Pre-Conference Events — Sign up Now!

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

The transformed GSA Annual Scientific Meeting experience is underway. Although the official dates of the meeting are November 4 to 7, our pre-conference events have been unfolding throughout the month of October.

We’re only halfway through. There is still time to connect and engage through a host of events.

Building the Case for Age-Inclusivity in Higher Education

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

On September 9, I had the honor of representing GSA at a preconference workshop panel titled “New Normal for Higher Education: Understanding and Embracing an Aging Society,” which was part of Drexel University’s Annual Assessment Conference.

I applaud the Drexel community for embracing this increasingly important topic. The program introduced participants to national trends and best practices in creating an age-diverse and age-inclusive campus that will prepare graduates for success in the 21st century. I was joined by GSA members Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD, MSW, FGSA, Laura N. Gitlin, PhD, FGSA, FAAN, and Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili, PhD, RN, FASPEN, FAAN, FGSA.

Need to Upload Your GSA 2020 Meeting Presentation? We’ll Show You How

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

Congratulations to the thousands of researchers, clinicians, and educators who have had their scholarship accepted for presentation during the GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online! Your research will be accessible to scholars across the U.S. and around the world and subsequently published in the GSA journal Innovation in Aging.

GSA has worked with the online meeting host platform supporting the conference to provide an additional week for submitting your audio recording and uploading your presentation. The website will then be locked for final testing and preparations before it is opened to meeting registrants in advance of the official kick-off of the meeting on November 4. This advance opening will enable registrants to view sessions and select which presenter discussions to add to their schedules during the November 4 to 7 meeting.

Submit Your Late Breaker Poster Abstracts by September 3

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

There are only 10 weeks to go until the kick-off of GSA’s 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online, taking place November 4 to 7. But there is still time to submit a late breaker poster abstract! If you have compelling research that was not available at the time of the general abstract submissions, the meeting’s Late Breaker Poster Sessions are the perfect place to share your work.

Additionally, in recognition of the impact of COVID-19 and the work many gerontologists are doing in this arena, GSA has added a new session topic, COVID-19 Pandemic, for late breaker poster abstract submissions.

A GSA Meeting of Expanded Opportunities Awaits You

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

With the opening of registration, excitement for the GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online is beginning to ramp up considerably. Many are eager for the chance to present their accepted research in front of the gerontological community, while others are fast preparing their submissions for the Late Beaker Poster Sessions. (The deadline is September 3.)

There’s also excitement because of the unparalleled accessibility to the programming that will be offered. Unlike GSA meetings past, all content will be available outside a single presentation window, with multiple ways to directly interact with presenters at the time of your choosing. So scheduling conflicts won’t be an issue.
