GSA Keeps COVID-19 Resources Relevant with New Updates

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

When the pandemic unfolded last year, my admiration for the GSA membership was once again reaffirmed when our newly formed GSA COVID-19 Task Force and existing National Adult Vaccination Program Workgroup began rolling out an impressive array of resources to help all of us make sense of emerging information about COVID-19 and its impact on older adults.

And it’s important to know their work is continuing, and updates have been made to existing tools as we gain new knowledge, particularly in the area of vaccines.

Play Your Part During Careers in Aging Week: April 18 to 24

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

The events of the past year have put into perspective just how important careers in aging are. As the world has wrestled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the researchers, clinicians, educators, direct care workers, and service providers supporting older adults have played an outsized role. And the demand for professionals with expertise in aging is growing rapidly. As members of the field, it’s up to us to make sure this realization isn’t lost as we move forward.

The entire GSA community is invited to join us as we celebrate Careers in Aging Week 2021, taking place from April 18 to 24. The activities will be conducted online and there are many ways to get involved.

New Brief Provides Roadmap for Advancing Dementia Caregiving

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

The Alzheimer’s Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published a 17-page action brief on dementia caregiving titled “Promoting Caregiving Across the Full Community: The Role for Public Health Strategists.”

This resource offers an overview of the challenges of caregiving for people living with dementia, then provides state, local, and tribal public health leaders with a framework and resources for action. I encourage you to explore this new action brief.

Spotlight Shines on GSA Members in New PBS Program

By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

A new aging-related documentary titled “Fast Forward” has just made its debut on PBS, and a number of GSA members are featured as they provide expert commentary! It’s now streaming on the PBS video app; check your local PBS resources to find out when you can find it airing or on demand.
