Submit Your Late Breaker Poster Abstracts by September 3
By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

There are only 10 weeks to go until the kick-off of GSA’s 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Online, taking place November 4 to 7. But there is still time to submit a late breaker poster abstract! If you have compelling research that was not available at the time of the general abstract submissions, the meeting’s Late Breaker Poster Sessions are the perfect place to share your work.
Additionally, in recognition of the impact of COVID-19 and the work many gerontologists are doing in this arena, GSA has added a new session topic, COVID-19 Pandemic, for late breaker poster abstract submissions.
Participating in the GSA 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting will give you the opportunity to present your new research, access the latest research findings from peers, and connect with colleagues for a 360-degree view of aging from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The deadline to submit your late breaker poster abstract is Thursday, September 3.