Help Spread the Word About Careers in Aging Day in Tampa

New at this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, the Society is providing local undergraduate students with the means to learn about career opportunities in the aging field. Through a full day of programming on Friday, November 10, Careers in Aging Day participants will have a free chance to learn everything about GSA, career options in the aging field, the workings of a professional conference, and educational options at local colleges and universities.
The program will feature a keynote from Jeff Johnson, Florida’s state director for AARP. We’ll also have breakout groups to discuss aging careers, and visits to the Exhibit Hall and poster sessions with GSA student and early-career ambassadors.
I want to thank our members from the University of South Florida for working with us as we developed this new model of programming at our Annual Scientific Meeting: Debra Dobbs, Cassidy Doyle, Christina Mu, Lu Norstrand, Lindsay Peterson, Nasreen Sadeq, and Jessica Vanderwerf. They did an amazing job recruiting participants and identifying and recruiting local professionals in the aging field to serve as roundtable facilitators. I also would like to recognize our lunchtime sponsors, the University of South Florida and the University of North Florida. We are laying the groundwork to be able to carry this model forward to future meetings.
And looking to 2024, GSA has designated March 2024 as Careers in Aging Month, and its Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) is accepting applications for awards of up to $500 to support GSA members’ event(s) focusing on careers in aging. The deadline to submit is January 5. GSA has also prepared a planning document detailing the information you will need for your submission.