GSA’s Career Development Workshop Invites Diverse Emerging Scholars
By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

With support from the National Institute on Aging, we hold this event annually to promote training, education, networking, and the interaction between diverse trainees (both pre/post-doctoral level) from underrepresented minority backgrounds and accomplished mid- and senior-level investigators in the field of gerontology.
The program is designed to empower trainees for successful career development and strategic planning. The expert faculty leading the workshop will provide comprehensive information related to mentoring opportunities, career development, professional networks, and leadership. The workshop kicks off a series of opportunities for trainees year-round. The stipend award we offer is intended to support registration for and participation in the workshop, attendance for the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, and engagements that occur throughout the year.
GSA maintains a strong, long-standing commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion; this workshop is part of a broad effort to foster a well-prepared and empowered diverse workforce to contribute to the future of aging research.
Applications are open to emerging scholars from underrepresented groups who have recently obtained a doctoral degree (within the last three years) or are within one year of graduating with their doctoral degree. We hope you will give consideration to joining us for this innovative event, and I also invite you to pass the word on to any of your colleagues who may qualify.