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GSA 2024 Annual
Scientific Meeting

The Fortitude Factor

November 13 - 16, 2024,
in Seattle, WA.

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Continuing Education for GSA 2024!

Continuing education is being offered through a joint partnership between Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and the Gerontological Society of America for the GSA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Workshops at GSA 2024!

Our workshops are curated to offer interactive, "hands-on" learning opportunities, that you can immediately apply in your work and research.

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Ageism First Aid Ad

Access GSA's Ageism First Aid Today!

Ageism First Aid will help change how you think and feel about older people and aging. It will also help improve your communication with and about older people, which will help improve the quality of life of older people where you live, work, and study. Ageism First Aid is a three-module course designed to prepare you for work in the field of aging and to provide professional development for those of you already working in the field. This course is intended for teenagers and adults of all ages and all educational and language backgrounds.

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