The Donald P. Kent Award is given annually to a member of The Gerontological Society of America who best exemplifies the highest standards for professional leadership in gerontology through teaching, service, and interpretation of gerontology to the larger society. The award was created in 1973 in memory of Donald P. Kent for his outstanding leadership in translating research findings into practical use.

The recipient of the Kent Award presents a lecture at the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting the following year. The Kent Award Lecture is one of the highlights of the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting.

Submission Period: Submit an Online Application here by March 31

Eligibility Criteria: 

Must be a Fellow of the Society (GSA).

Required Nomination Packet Materials:

  • A single nomination letter signed by at least three (3) supporters.
  • A current Curriculum Vitae.
  • Contributions of the nominee outlined in the materials should be clearly apparent to a non-specialist/generalist audience.

Nature of the Award

The recipient receives an engraved revere bowl, delivers a prestigious award lecture, and is recognized at the Opening Plenary Session of the GSA Annual Meeting.

Previous Awardees