Carroll L. Estes Rising Star Award

The Carroll L. Estes Rising Star Award is conferred by the Social Research, Policy, and Practice Section to a member of the section in acknowledgment of outstanding early career contributions in social research, policy, and practice.

The award was established in 2009 and honors Carroll L. Estes, a distinguished gerontological researcher, a tireless advocate for older persons, a former SRPP section chair, and a former GSA president.

Submission Period: Submit an Online Application here by April 7

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Nominee must be a member of the SRPP section for at least two years.
  • Nominee must have a graduate degree and must be within five years of receiving that degree.

Required Nomination Packet Materials:

A single nomination letter signed by at least three (3) supporters that includes the following:

  • The contribution of this nominee to research, policy, and/or practice.
  • A current Curriculum Vitae.
  • A digital copy of at least one, and not more than five, relevant research, policy and/or practice publication(s).

Nature of Award

The recipient receives $300, a framed certificate, and is recognized at the Social Research, Policy, and Practice Recognition and Networking Event at the Annual Scientific Meeting.

Previous Awardees