The Person-in-Training Award is given to a student of the Health Sciences section for the best student paper at the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting. The award is designed to encourage research and to foster interest among students in the Health Sciences section and to encourage participation in the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting.

In order to apply for this award, you must submit an abstract for the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting. Once the abstract has been accepted, a 1,500-word paper by the trainee (describing the research) must be submitted by the deadline below. The paper must be accompanied by a letter from the student's advisor verifying that the submitted work is the student's. The award is made on the basis of the paper.

Submission Period: Nominations Accepted Now Through July 29 Via This Online Form

Focus of Award:

  • Best Health Sciences student paper or poster at the GSA Annual Scientific meeting.
  • Designed to encourage research and to foster interest among doctoral students in the Health Sciences section and to encourage participation in the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting.

Eligibility Criteria (self-nominated):

  • Student member of the Health Sciences section.
  • Enrolled in a doctoral program and cannot have a doctoral degree.
  • Student’s abstract must be accepted for the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting.

Nomination Materials:

  • 1500 word paper (2 copies) by the student describing the research outlined in the accepted abstract.
  • Letter from the student’s advisor verifying the student is currently enrolled in a doctoral program and that the work is the student’s addressing the overall contributions to science of the student’s research.
  • Abstract Control ID number.

Nature of Award

The recipient receives $500, a certificate, and is recognized at the Health Sciences Section Recognition and Networking Event at the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting.

Previous Awardees