Increasingly, government documents are accessible on the Internet. For information on pending legislation, copies of bills, committee reports, and congressional schedules, use the Library of Congress website known as “Thomas.” You may also use the Government Publishing Office website, which provides access to the Congressional Record.
In the House of Representatives, bills are identified as H.R.____. In the Senate, they are identified as S.____.
The Senate Document Room takes e-mail requests for copies of Senate bills, committee reports, etc. Use Include your name, address, and phone number. If you prefer to use the postal service to send your request, write to: Senate Document Room, B-04 Hart Building, Washington, D.C., 20510. (Limit: 6 items per order, 1 copy of each).
For House bills and reports, contact the Legislative Resource Center at (202) 226-5200 or write to: LRC, Office of the Clerk, B-106 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515-6612. The website for information on House documents is
You can also ask your legislator’s office to get the information you need. Identify the bill or committee report by name and number.