The Gerontological Society of America’s Policy and Professional Affairs department leads the Society’s policy and advocacy initiatives, with an emphasis on bringing research findings and scientific insights to policymakers to inform policy decisions at the federal level.

The Policy and Professional Affairs department cultivates and maintains strong relationships with stakeholder organizations that impact aging, and promotes the 3 pillars of research, education, and practice.

GSA’s non-partisan public policy institute, the National Academy on an Aging Society, conducts and compiles research on issues related to population aging and provides information to the public, the press, policymakers, and the academic community.

National Academy on Aging Society Logo

Federal Policy Updates

Stay informed on aging policy by checking congressional schedules for House and Senate discussions. The daily Federal Register includes Presidential proclamations, Executive orders, agency regulations, and proposed rules.

Advocacy Toolkit

GSA invites you to learn how to translate your research into political action. See how GSA participates in advocacy and share your own opinions with policymakers.

GSA Policy Initiatives

GSA monitors, participates and takes a leadership role in several diverse coalitions, lending a stronger voice in areas where aging research and its member’s research can create an impact to translate the evidence into sound policy.

O'Neill & Hyer Summer Policy Internship

GSA is home to the established O’Neil & Hyer Summer Policy Internship Program. Located in GSA’s Washington D.C. office, this professional development opportunity provides emerging scholars with an immersive 8-week experience into aging policy.

Policy Publications

The Academy produces publications aimed at providing researchers, teachers, students, and citizens interested in aging-related issues with valuable policy information.